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2008-09-10 - 11:14 p.m.

i'm not going to painstakingly update you about me losing my house and not having a guy around and struggling to find a job that fucking pays more than shit. i'm just going to start anew.

god is dead to me. although, when my kid(s) go to church with my sister, i ask them how it was. not cuz i want to hear about church, but because i want to see if they even pay attention to the bullshit that goes on there.

bob marley and/or led zeppelin and coffee sets me straight.

i need to go back to the manna reading center. i liked it there. i need to get candles.

i might be working in a plastic hanger factory again. but i need to buy new makeup and outfits and heels and hair products and possibly a haircut and a manicure. i need to be sexy again.

i need to figure out what to pawn next in case that plastic hanger thing doesn't work out.

i love reading again.

i'm wondering if my nerve pain is related to anything my grandparents, uncle and mother have gone through with nerve pain, disease, and death, in general, of course.

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