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2007-01-17 - 6:33 a.m.

Did I mention the other day that this kid: The second reason is the fat kid across the street came out of his house and when the kids were giving him a hard time he yelled: SHUT UP, I DON'T NEED YOUR MOUTH, I JUST WOKE UP AND I HAVE A HEADACHE. It was 2:43 p.m. only 9 years old? THAT'S what made it so funny.

In other news, I know there's no moon as opposed to a full moon...but my cats are acting crazy. Midge, who is mostly still a kitten, and manx and of the tuxedo variety, is attacking most of the other cats. And she's mean about it. Holds them down and makes them scream and hate her while she bites them to smithereens.

I fell asleep last night at 8:something. I was just tired. But then I woke up this morning and I have "bites" on me again. I've had bites on me before and I don't know where they come from. Ants? Spiders? Bed bugs? These happen to be all along my line of my underwear/pants line. They aren't on my back I don't think. They've been on my arms and leg before. I wake up and they are extremely itchy. I have like 8 on my lower abdomen. I don't live in a third world country. I'm not sleeping on a clay floor. No idea where they come from.

My dreams were really weird last night. We were trying to have a vacation and I don't think my kids were there. If they were, then we lost them. But someone asked Jim if we live in a house or apartment and since he was on "vacation" and didn't want to be stressed thinking about things, he said apartment so that he didn't have to remember what a high and stressful mortgage we have. ???? So then I got stressed thinking I was still stuck in my crappy apartment and I yelled, no, we live in a house!! And then the rest just got more weird. There were these people who had been in all of these limos that were lining the street and I think this was in St. Petersburg...and they were all lined up on this pier somewhere, it was really long and wooden and they were on a seminar about time-shares. And my sister was interested in one of the time-shares and I thought she was crazy for going to the seminar and then my other friend was around and he was sending something that he sold on and it was a CD but he used to live in this apartment (not in real life) and it was Apartment 4D and the picture on the CD cover he made was him and a group of his friends hanging out in 4D and where he was sending it to was the guy who still lived in 4D and for some reason I thought that was so cool. And another thing, we had stopped at some drug store and we were getting stuff for the beach but I saw these folders on sale and I said that I wanted to get some for Jimmy, my son, and I shoved them into someone's hand and said hold these! They're for Jimmy! And he shoved them back and was like, who are you? And I said, oh, sorry, I thought you were someone else. How mediocre are those dreams? I should dream about being a queen somewhere or traveling to Australia or something. Nope. Instead I stay local and go to the store and a friend's house.

George Carlin said, when we saw him live, that no one gives a fuck about your dreams that you have. It's probably the same for the above dreams. Haha.

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