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2007-01-15 - 5:21 p.m.

Last night, our cable broke. I say broke because I can't fix it. We are going to need to call in the cable authorities to fix it or something. What happened was the girls were watching something of the hootchie variety on cable TV and a few of the cats were exploring either on the entertainment center or on the dust shelf that they cut into the wall like most newer Florida architecture above the entertainment center. Did that sentence make sense? So anyway, one of the cats, still a kitten, Midge, manx and of the tuxedo variety, fell...and she fell past all the cascades of wiring that is connected from the entertainment center to the wall. And something was jostled loose cuz now the TV is constant loud, fuzzy snow. And it doesn't turn off right. And so we didn't have cable today in the living room. We still have it on our computers and in the master bedroom (the only other places that it is in). So there wasn't much entertainment for the kids today and boy were they heartbroken. That's one reason the library should have been open today...

The second reason is the fat kid across the street came out of his house and when the kids were giving him a hard time he yelled: SHUT UP, I DON'T NEED YOUR MOUTH, I JUST WOKE UP AND I HAVE A HEADACHE. It was 2:43 p.m. He said he had a headache cuz he could hear everything cuz he just had a haircut. He really needed the library today.

And the third is the neighborhood quarrel. There are these 2 to 3 boys who are in middle school and they torment my daughters and their friends most times. About a month ago it was common agreement that because one group was boys and one group was girls and they don't generally get along anyway, PLUS, since they are years apart in age, they were to leave each other alone from now on. For at least the next twenty years. Then if they wanted to have relations once they were adults, then okay. Well, I'm telling you this kid is a future serial killer. Cuz he's just a little punk. We'll call him Kyle, cuz I don't believe in protecting the non-innocent. About a month ago, he tore up the girls' fort in the woods right next to our house. Most things were not valuable but one thing that was smashed to smithereens was a cell phone that Chloe had gotten for her birthday from her dad. It was a piece of crap anyway cuz it required minutes and I wasn't about to buy her any. That was her dad's job, which he never followed through with. So after they crushed the useless cell phone us moms got together and told all kids to just leave each other alone. And they said they would. So cut to today, my daughter calls me on her cell phone (different daughter that has a different cell phone) and was crying saying that Kyle had thrown a rock at her back. So I rolled off the couch from my nap and out of the house and stormed down there and saw the 2 punks walking away from the girls. They were all by the canal and the story was that the boys were throwing rocks into the water. But this was according to the girls cuz the boys hightailed to safer ground cuz I was going to yell my head off and I think they sensed that. So I went looking for them at first but the house they were building that I thought they walked into, did not have anyone in it. So I walked back around to the girls who said that they ran back home when I wasn't looking. DOH! So...I walked Stephanie to Kyle's house. I lifted up Steph's shirt and showed her the red and bloody marks on her back. It had blood at the surface but it wasn't running down her back, you know? So, the mom and I talked to Kyle and said "we thought we told you to leave one another alone, blah, blah, blah" least that is what it seems to sound like to Kyle, the future serial killer. He's a punk. He stares his mother down. She asked him if he is trying to get grounded...and he just flashes his chipmunk smile and says no. So I came home unsatisfied with his behavior and unsettled that he would even listen to his mom and I called the cops and asked them what I should do. They sent a cop out to talk with us and they showed up kinda fast. I guess if you have this district there's not a whole lot going on. So I told them what I knew and showed them Steph's back and Steph told them what she knew and Chloe tried to chime in and I told her to be quiet. Kmmmmmm. Chloe is going to be a great public speaker. Then they left to go and talk to the heathen. I asked the cop to please tell his mom that I wasn't trying to start any trouble but that I just wanted him to realize that if he keeps doing these things that he's going to get in trouble later on in life. So I was still standing in the garage reflecting. By the way, the girls' friends were still there in my driveway also and they are of African-American descent. And I looked at my girls and said, that cop had a really bad tan, didn't he? And my girls looked at me and said, what? And their little black friend said, "yeah, he did." Kmmmmmmmmmm.

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