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2007-01-14 - 10:01 p.m.

My best friend and I were talking and I was trying to ignore the TV. My fiance was watching 24 and I was trying to ignore it. Kinda like I ignored Lost when he was watching that. I mean, don't get me wrong, I like my share of shows...but they are being taped cuz I don't like to actually sit and watch them. I know, it may sound strange but I don't like to sit through a show when I'm not ready to watch it. I don't like commercials so with my swanky DVR remote and wonderful cable access, I can tape them and then watch them later, a bunch in a row and fast forward through the commercials or the boring parts. I currently tape Oprah shows, Cops, America's Funniest Videos, and some others.

But back to 24. I was reminded by my best friend how intolerant I am about repetitious crap in when characters repeat crap that isn't necessary. Remember X-files? I hated it simply cuz every fucking episode, the 2 main characters would lose track of each other constantly and every single episode you'd hear them: "Scully!" "Moulder!" "Scully!" "Moulder!" "Scully!" "Moulder!" "Scully!" "Moulder!" Repeat that about 58 fucking times a minute and you have the gist of the show. Seriously. 24 is no better. First of all, it's about a sickeningly touchy fucking subject. Terrorism. Who cares to glamourize that? Who cares to make a new plot of that morbid shit every fucking week? Kiefer Sutherland apparently doesn't mind. I also can't watch it cuz I don't really like him or his acting or the characters directors give him to play. In every fucking scene...the 24 guy introduces himself so much so that i could do a drinking game on it like they used to do with the Bob Newhart Show and get completely wasted. "I'm Jack Bauer"...I'm Jack Bauer...I'm Jack Bauer...this is Jack Bauer...It's Jack Bauer calling...Shut the fuck up already. Not to mention everyone else fucking says his name too. "Jack Bauer is stuck in that building." "Jack Bauer's life is at stake." "If Jack Bauer doesn't do something everyone will die." I mean, I get it. i understand the concept of a "main character" but come the fuck on.

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