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2007-01-13 - 11:40 p.m.

I haven't updated in awhile.

I cheered for the Saints tonight because they have better uniforms than my fiance's team, the Eagles, who I now refer to as the Beagles. But I couldn't convince my children to veer from supporting the Eagles. How, I mean, HOWWWW?? have they become a household name? My children have been brainwashed. Into liking football. Whaaaat? Anyway, my team won.

My password to log onto my computer here at home is 2 cuss words together, both spelled wrong, JUST IN CASE the children try to figure it out.

I cannot stand cars who drive slow and that I cannot pass.

My best friend wrote a very nice entry about my mom recently.

The kids have off on the day my mother died last year, March 9th.

Anyway...I'm still at my job. Time just passes without me being able to stop it.

I have bad cholesterol and now I'm watching my fat-food-intake which is extremely boring, let me tell you. Plus, I'm back at the gym after a month or so hiatus.

I bought a basketball for my son today. It's a Never-Flat Spalding. Only the best for my future basketball star. He's my baby.

Saturday Night Live is on.

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