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2005-07-09 - 11:08 a.m.

Well, I am extremely broke these days. I accidentally did something for myself that was responsible and positive. I bought my first two classes' worth of school books and now I've screwed up my account again and checks are going to be delinquent. Don't worry, I'm taking care of it by reading books about clutter and shaping up your life so that you aren't a spaz and screw up things like your credit in your life.

Actually, I'm cleaning up my credit. I know it sounds very Holly Hobby of me, but that's not something I have really attempted to do. Now that I'm 30 and I want to buy a house next year, I figure I better get a shape-up in that department. So, during tax check season, I paid off a settlement offer for one credit card. Then, I made a commitment to pay payments on another really high-priced hospital bill debt. So that's an every month sort of thing. I try to pay my rent and car payment on time every month. It's not easy when there is really no relief such as child support.

I had some bad dreams last night. First, my ex-husband came over and said he had gone to the doctor but couldn't bring himself to go back like he was supposed to. And I'm like, for what? And he's like, for schizophrenia. And I'm like I KNEW IT. So, then he opens this bag and he has like 16 rifles that appeared to be stolen from the sheriff's department. So, I call 911 and I'm talking to him with the phone held away and I'm saying that he's crazy and he needs to tell me where he got those guns. So, then, the sheriffs that show up are these two female bailiffs that actually work in the courthouse that I work in...and I'm like LOOK AT ALL HIS GUNS! And they are like, oh, yeah, he bought them from us. So, I'm like, yeah, but he's crazy and some of them have bullets. They didn't care. But I woke up to hissing...I have two cats now. And the newest one is much smaller and younger than the one that was there first. So, I had to break up that fight. Then, I had another dream later when I fell back to sleep. It was about my newest ex, so to speak. I finally FOR GOOD broke up w/ Jimbo. I know, I know, everyone has heard it before. This time I'm serious. He had stolen my car for four days. But anyway, that's another story. So, in my dream, I find where he is at. He is in a bar w/ his stupid friend and he's waiting for his new girlfriend to get back, so naturally I wait to, cuz I want to see that bitch. So, I notice that he has bleached his doubt w/ help from his new lady. So, she shows up and she looks like she's wearing an old tattered white wedding dress that is not long with a train...but just reaches her calves. So, I'm like pointing and cussing and saying: OH MY GOD!! LOOK HOW FUCKING UGLY SHE IS AND LOOK AT ME! I'M THE BEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED TO HIM! HE PICKS THE UGLIEST WOMEN BESIDES ME! HEY, BITCH! HE HAS HERPES!!!! And then they kick me out of the bar. But she was truly ghastly ugly. She had only one eye with teal shimmer eye shadow on it...her hair was teased blond and kinda medium length. And she was in a wheelchair to boot. She had a broken leg. I guess in my dream they had been in a car accident. So, anyway, then I woke up again.

So, then I was like, I'm going to go workout. Cuz in my clutter book it mentions how you should stay healthy of mental clutter and stress and it started talking about yoga and exercise to stave off stress. So, keep in mind I live in Florida where there is a rainy season and hurricane season has started. So, we are monitoring Hurricane Dennis, right? Well, YMCA where I work out at, is closed today. See, I knew that the swim lessons would be cancelled for my kids. But the indoor gym? It isn't even's just moderately rainy everywhere you go. So, they have closed and their reason on the sign on the door is because of Hurricane Dennis. What the...? I don't get it. It's not that bad. Well, whatever. As long as the library is open today. Which is where I'm typing from.

So, school starts for my kids on August 8th and my school starts on August 4th. And I got something in the mail about Jimmy's Kindergarten teacher leaving and they replaced her with some new teacher from the Tampa area. She seems nice. It's just weird that the kindergarten teacher left. You know?

My uncle has Parkinson's disease. My mom has Lou Gehrig's Disease. What else was I going to talk about? Maybe I'll come add an entry later. Bye for now...

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