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2005-07-16 - 4:42 p.m.

Well, I took my new kitten to the vet. She has an upper respiratory doodad. So they gave her ointment for her eye leakage and she didn't get any immunizations today because of being on the antibiotics (ointment). My other cat came along for the ride to get his nails trimmed and to get weighed again. He's still a solid 13 pounds. Daisy, the new one, was 1 pound and 2 ozs. SO CUTE. She's so tiny. I was asking the vet if "the other one" can get it--the eye infectin or cold that Daisy has...and I pointed in the direction that my kids were sitting...but Dexter was underneath of one of their chairs...and she said, "oh, they can pass some conjunctivitis on to them..." and I realized she was talking about the kids...and I'm like: "NO, Dexter...I don't care if the kids get it..." Kmmmmm. She was like, "oh, you're mom's kidding...I'm sure." I was mad at my kids today for misbehaving in the vet's, no, I wasn't kidding. Kmmmmm. But anyway, Dexter COULD get it maybe. But they said that respiratory infections are common in kittens. Has she sneezed? Well, she was sneezing on the way here, I said...then I realized Stephanie had told me that she has been sneezing sporadically ever since we got her. That's what happens when you don't pay attention when your kids open their mouth to tell you something. You start to become immune especially if they are showing off or talking nonsense just to be funny...then you start to ignore everything important that they say too. Like, "the cat is contagious, mom."

So, anyway...I got that expensive Hill's Science Diet crap that they sell...only because I didn't feel like making a special trip to Winn-Dixie--the only people that will take my check--and writing yet another check that will require yet another 20 buck fee. You know? So...I haven't opened Dexter's yet...I put him on a diet...I got the low activity kind for fat cats that don't play much...and the vet told me to let him have his food dish three times a day for an hour each...and then put it away. And of course, feed Daisy separately so he can't get the calorie-packed nutrient-filled kitten food and get even fatter. So, I did open Daisy's kitten food...and I usually am an Iams person...and now I know I will stay an Iams person after this runs out...cuz her kitten food smells like SWEATY CROTCH. So disgusting. I accidentally said it out loud too...not knowing how to explain to my children how I know what crotches are supposed to smell like. Kmmmm.

So...anyway...I'll write more later...

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