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2005-06-09 - 12:36 p.m.

I don't think I've quite given you guys the updated essence of my life lately. But, my mom has been diagnosed w/ ALS (Lou Gherig's Disease)(sp?) and my eldest daughter has ADD. Among other things, those are the stressors of my life today.

I am applying for a new job within the same place that would give me about a 6 thou. a year raise. Just applying...we have to wait and see for the rest.

I am going back to school starting August 4th. Yay. I love school. The lady helped me register last night and I am taking all psychology courses basically. Theories of Personality, Developmental Psychology, Child and Adolescent Psychology, and Understanding and Coping with Stress. The modules are 2 classes for 8 weeks at a time and then for the rest of the next 8 weeks, you have 2 new classes. M'bien. So, you aren't taking 4 psych. classes at once and trying to study and going...WHATTHEFUCK???? Yeah...cuz then, you'd have to go directly to the Understanding and Coping w/ Stress class.

My children are so funny though. We were walking up to the place to talk to the lady (that's the way I explain things to them), and they asked me if she was my teacher, and I said no. Then, they asked me what her name was...and I said Ms. Edwina S-------. So, if you've ever seen or heard about Shark Tale...there's a part in it that says: "I'M NOT A LOSAHHH, I'M A WEIN-AHH". So, they were guffawing all over themselves. So, naturally, I couldn't laugh THEN. IN FRONT OF THEM. So, I had to be all: "STOP. DON'T YOU DARE CALL HER THAT!! JUST DON'T TALK TO HER AT ALL. YOU STAY OUTSIDE!" But it is a funny name indeed.

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