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2005-03-21 - 4:48 p.m.

I have had a virus that brought along a rash (just for good know, the phlegm from every hole in the head, and the cough, sneezing, fever, etc., weren't just enough alone). It is the itchiest fucking thing I've ever lived through. It is like when you get sunburned and your skin dries out and itches cuz it's going to peel...but times that by like five at the least.

In other news, my daughters got their report cards. Stephanie is grounded again. She has two Fs, a D, a C, and an A. Chloe has straight As. And this month is Stephanie's birthday. So even though I'd like to ground her completely, you have to at least have a party for her, right?

I'm almost caught with my work that I let build up when I took a lot of my sick hours last week. Sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. That's all for now.

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