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2005-03-03 - 7:39 p.m.

So, I'm sitting here in the library waiting for my child to complete her FCAT practice exercises on the computer in the children's section. I could be reading my Anna Karenina book. I'm almost done! I'm almost on the 600th page. All my children are on computers. They have headphones on. They are not near me, they are over in the children's section. So...I can't hear them if they are breaking any library rules...for instance, SILENCIO. Which they do when they are sitting around with headphones on.

You should see them. It's truly a sight. It's so funny cuz my best friend calls them Led Zeppelin when they are acting up, right? But when my four-year-old cleaned his room all by himself once, she called him the Allen Parsons Project or however you spell the name. Kmmmmm. I don't know what you'd call them right now. I also caught Jimmy browsing through the dictionary the other morning while he was ready and waiting for everyone else to finish getting ready.

I was here in the library last night and there was this group of hicks, sort of like a family here. They were all using the computers and some of them were sharing one or two of them together. Anyway, I could overhear them saying that they were in this chat room or that chat they were all going to meet in the same chat, why couldn't they have just done that at home in their trailer? Chatted together. Duh? So, then this one guy from the hick family turns to his sister/girlfriend/both and says: "HEY? WHAT'S INTERESTS??" And she said: "Oh, Derek (or whatever his name is), that's only if you work and YOU DON'T HAVE A JOB!! So don't put nothin'!" I almost ruptured something from holding in the laughter.

There's a baseball game nearby tonight. I want to take my son to one.

By the way...for anyone that has read this before...I still have the same nice job where I park in the parking garage and have the printer on my own desk. It's, I lied, it's GREAT. I have so many excellent benefits. Yay. I have sick days already. It's a really good time.

I've gained weight. I'm like 15 pounds more than normal. Which is really nothing for me. I could go up to 20 more than I am now and be considered "normal" within the body mass index or whatever. Which goes to show me that the world accepts my fat ass. Kmmmmm.

Alright...I think I'm going to go now and read. Or wander around the library. I love the library. Byeeeee.

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