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2005-03-24 - 12:49 p.m.

Well, the rash is not viral. It is stress-induced.


My mom was diagnosed a couple weeks ago with ALS (Lou Gherig's Disease).

My loser boyfriend is a drug addict and is just plain a loser.

My son has developmental delays and I tutor him at night on shapes, numbers, letters, using his fine motor skills (cutting, writing), etc. in order to prepare him for Kindergarten.

My oldest daughter has something going on and is getting tested by a psychologist for learning issues and focusing problems.

My middle daughter is a middle child.

I just bought a new car thus bringing a car payment, elevated insurance payments, elevated gas tank size...etc.


So, my rash is not contagious but it's not reacting to anything they've given me, including the steroid pills and injection. Thus, my testicles have shrunken unnecessarily and that is not good, cuz I'm a female anyway. HAHA! I fooled you, didn't I? Well, seriously, I am female, and I did get steroids, but I have no testicles.

The doctor told me to take a week off of work which I am not going to do, because it's Spring Break here and if I did something so stupid, I'd have even more stress from my children driving me nuts. No, thanks. Bye for now.

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