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2004-08-27 - 10:02 a.m.

THIS excerpt from one of the books I'm currently reading. It's called The Feminie Warrior by Al Marrewa. He writes about female empowerment and self-defense and confidence. Look:

"Some attackers can be distracted by their own greed. Many women have used the promise of hidden money or valuables to lead their attackers to another part of the house; there, they were able to escape or put up a more effective fight. In author Sanford Strong's excellent book, Strong on Defense, he offers yet another good piece of advice. If you're attacked while in your car and forced to drive to another location, don't waste time trying to find a police station or catch the notice of a cop or passing motorist. Instead, with your seatbelt securely fastened, crash the car! Even a minor accident attracts attention, and if your attacker isn't wearing HIS seatbelt, so much the better."


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