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2004-08-26 - 4:15 p.m.

I have my period. Cramps, ouch.

My cat scratched my knee. It was nasty last night until I did first aid and then I took a shower this morning so it looks less severe now. It was an accident on his part. He was climbing up and I knocked him down cuz I was eating...and he slid off my leg but not without reminding me that he can bring me pain on his way down. Kmmm. He also has this dangerous habit of running under my feet with each and every step I take. I�m afraid I�m going to break his little back.

I think I�m going to deliver more phone books starting today. It�s going to suck cuz I won�t have anyone to help me like I did last weekend. I need to have a second job. But how and when? And who�s going to watch the kids? Sigh.

The girls �said� they did their homework last night, but I have no proof. I didn�t check it. And I didn�t sign off on Chloe�s homework sheet. I feel like Stephanie is being shady about her homework cuz I never see like an actual list of the homework she is supposed to do. I guess 3rd grade is more independent, but I want to know what the hell she is missing if anything.

Some of the books I got from the library that were on hold this week were some Stephen King books. Song of Susannah is one I never heard of but it was copyrighted this year and I checked it out. It should be good, cuz after all it�s Stephen King. Duh. I also got the Talisman cuz I never finished it. I have so much reading to do. Looks like overdue books again.

And I have homework to do that I never do. I�m going to make attempts to go to the school on days I�m not scheduled to, to get through the computer work so I can finish the class early. We aren�t supposed to use the computers they gave us at home for this particular disc/class. Duh. She said we could work at our own pace. My pace is high speed. I don�t learn like other wimps. I am fast rate smarty pants. Kmmm. I need to take the offer up of some of these jobs that they are sending my resume to. Cuz I need higher pay and benefits if I�m going to go back to school next semester. Which I have to. Now that I�m a single independent mother, I need to finish my degrees and get this show on the road. I�m so close, I can feel it. I know I have a lot of credits. And they better transfer.

Anyway...I wonder if my iron level is okay. Cuz I�ve been so tired. I guess I should go to bed earlier and earlier, but it�s hard to with my schedule. My period is starting, so that�s why I�m mentioning the iron level. I need a nap. I can�t wait till this weekend so I can sleep. Well, I have to deliver phone books too. Maybe they won�t have any routes close to me like I prefer. Maybe I won�t have to suffer like that. Why can�t I just get child support? This sucks. I should start dancing again. But it�s so damn hard. Sigh. I don�t know if that would be a good idea or not. I�m thinking not.

Chloe did not get picked for violin. I wish she would have. I think it would really help her to learn something like that to make her feel special. I think she�d be a little genius.

Well, I�m going to go have lunch and I need to sit and stare at home. Tomorrow, Ruth Ann and I are going to have a pizza party. Pizza, soda, and cake are included, so we figured on going to the place in the mall that has all of those things. Our cake is going to be cheesecake, thank you very much. Yummai. Okay...I�m going for now. I�ll be back later.

I�m back now. I ate toaster strudels and some sushi for lunch. Then I gave my cat some of the fish from the sushi. How does he thank me? A puncture wound to my frigging finger. Little effer. I sat there and read for awhile debating on different excuses to call into work with so I didn�t have to come back. I wanted to take a three hour nap before school tonight, but no. I�m back here at work. And I�m still damn tired. And I still have school tonight. So, I still won�t get a break. Ho hum. I didn�t get any phone books either. I wasn�t up to it. I can always go get them tomorrow. Alright, I�m going now. Bye for now.

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