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2004-08-24 - 1:14 p.m.

Well, there was a bunch of retarded drama last night. That guy Billy knows Jimbo�s people first hand and I don�t want to be a part of any of that. Jimbo doesn�t want me to leave him and keeps talking to me like we are still together, making plans and promises and stuff. I hate that shit. He�s honeymooning me. So, that guy Billy knew Jimbo�s ride home from the jail and said that Jimbo had done crack the minute he got back home. Well, I called Jimbo and asked him which was stupid cuz then I explained who had told me and that I had hung out with a guy. I also told Billy off before that cuz...yeah...he just is weird acting... It was just lots of drama. Naturally, Jimbo is very offended that I talk to boys at all and wants to beat everyone up now. And I wasn�t even going to talk to Billy again anyway...not cuz Jimbo said anything, cuz I had decided he wasn�t a guy I wanted hanging around me. Plus, my counselor said stay away from him and people like him.

Jimbo is persistent and insistent about me not breaking up with him. I don�t know what else to say to him to pull him out of his retardation mode. I�m busy today at work too and he has called twice so far and the afternoon has just begun.

I was late to work cuz I had to take Jimmy to a WIC appt. today. Then I had to pick my books up from the library that were on hold. The librarian said: �We were waiting for you to come in, there�s no more room on the B shelf!� Kmmm. I had like 19 holds. You know how you put something on hold and you go to pick it up and you don�t feel like reading it anymore? Yeah. Well, some of those books are about addictions and stuff and since I broke up with Jimbo, now I don�t care why people have addictions. Kmmm.

My poor cat has tapeworms. The house is a mess. I didn�t do any of my homework. Sigh. I still have to finish my phone book delivery route. The papers are due today. I have so much crap to do. On top of all of that, my kids have two different fundraisers to sell crap for. No one is interested in buying stuff. And Stephanie didn�t finish her homework and neither did Chloe last night. Stephanie just doesn�t manage her time wisely. She plays at daycare instead. But Chloe�s teacher forgot to put her homework list sheet in the binder so now Chloe is behind. She still owes for the first week�s Wednesday when she was absent due to pink eye and then Thursday she never did it and then the hurricane made us forget everything and now she is going to have last night�s on top of tonight�s also. Great. And I have school tonight and I can�t monitor them very well and make them finish, etc. I won�t even see them till about almost ten. Calgon, take me away. On top of all the stress, I�m frigging exhausted and falling asleep even as I type.

Back to work I go.

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