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2004-09-01 - 5:48 p.m.

Well, here comes another hurricane. People keep saying that we are not getting hit and that it isn�t going to affect us that bad the way Charley did. Little do they pay attention to the fact that Charley did indeed hit us directly (or at least the areas around me directly) and then it passed along the whole state and even devastated areas inland AND up to Orlando which is mostly on the east coast. Well, Frances is coming toward the whole east coast but is forecasted to pass over the whole state, once again like Charley, and move through the panhandle and up into Alabama and Georgia. We are probably going to lose electricity again and get tornado warnings and all that lovely stuff. People will be evacuated, etc. Florida is not having a good time this fall.

I�m not going to be able to finish my phone books when the guy wanted me to finish them. I have a lot to do with myself. School and whatnot. The rain is messing with my phone book delivery too. Oh well. I might just have to turn the route back in and not finish it on purpose.

Work is keeping me fairly busy. I need to make more money though. I�ve been working through my lunches just to try to make up for lost time. Now we have off Monday again. Another day without pay.

I didn�t eat lunch today. I�m so hungry. I�m going to have to get something on the road when I pick up the kids and deliver phone books. It�s getting dark a little earlier now too. Sigh.

If it sounds like I�m overwhelmed, I am. I�m still broken up with Jimbo. Even though, he doesn�t think we are. I just can�t deal with him anymore. He has so many more problems now. On top of his addictions, he is warped in the head from all the drugs he�s done and the warped way he was raised. He has a couple new charges now and probation to still contend with. He�s still failing drug tests. He admitted the other night that he has been doing drugs again almost every night but he says he�ll quit, and he�ll do anything not to lose me. He also wrote a ton of bad checks over the last few months. He�s screwed himself in way more ways than one. He�s such a delinquent. I have enough bad credit of my own, now I don�t want his to pull me down too. I�m glad we weren�t married. I would be triple screwed right now.

Well, I�m going to go for now. Bye.

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