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2004-07-18 - 3:00 p.m.

Well...more progress on my part. I checked out my electric company account information online and realize I need to pay at least $91.something to bring myself out of the red. And that is most likely the amount that they needed on Friday. Yes, this PAST Friday. So, I'm going to have to take out another payday loan for maybe a hundred bucks or so, cuz my insurance payment needs to be in my bank account and that is to the tune of about $140. So, I need to investigate that also and count my money. At least I did part of my chores in that department...the financial department.

My boyfriend has been visiting his best friend's mother in the hospital these past couple weekends cuz she was in they found gangrene in her intestines or something. So, they did two surgeries and I really didn't believe it, cuz I never went to visit her but I know he did at least once cuz I dropped him off there and picked him up sort of, or was going to pick him up and then he decided to hang out with Mike (the friend) for moral support.

Now, I hate Mike and I don't really know his mother so I did no visiting during any of these weekends. And Mike is such a major pain in my ass as far as issues between Mike and I and issues between Mike and Jimbo and issues between Jimbo and I, and so I had nothing nice to say either about it. He even said at one point: "My mom's in the hospital dying!" And I turned to him and said: "I wasn't talking to you, I asked Jimbo a question and he wouldn't fucking answer me, so whatever." So, this was last Saturday chronologically speaking which was also the first night I took Jimbo to one of his narcotics anonymous meetings.

So, this weekend, "things" came up and Mike called Jimbo (according to Jimbo) and said that his mom had to have another surgery and they removed so many feet of intestines and so there's no way to put in a colostomy bag even, and now she's terminal. Now, bringing you up to speed, she died officially Saturday night at 7 p.m. However, up until this point, I only halfway believed this information cuz Jimbo has lied before and he has used that woman's health as an excuse/lie before, so...I kept thinking "she better not get better and all of a sudden be out of the hospital." Cuz then that would mean he had lied to me. I know. Selfish bitch, right?

Well, Friday his mom said she had dropped him off at his home and he had his whole paycheck with him which is really bad whether someone is dying or not. Now that she has died and he has STILL not called me to tell me anything as far as an update or return any of my messages, etc., I do believe that he is now using her death to party it up cuz he can't cope and deal with shit like that. So, since his stupid friend (who he insists and refers to as his "brother" therefore making the late mother somewhat his own deceased mother--doy) is still in town or something cuz I'm sure they are going to have a funeral now and stuff; I know both of their natures and no matter how much they lie to me, I know they are probably doing drugs together. I told Jimbo on Friday he needed to go to a meeting every night just like the people in the meetings tell him but he doesn't take care of his own shit. I mean, he's very selfish in some aspects, but very self-resistent in other aspects. It makes sense if you know an addict.

So, last night/this morning, since the few hours before of the woman dying, I called several times. By the way, the only way I know the mother died, was cuz Jimbo's own mother called the hospital and spoke to someone to get that information. I stay in constant contact with his mother every weekend updating her unknowingly to him on everything he does good and bad. She has a right to know also. He himself never returned my messages. Finally, at two in the morning (last night), two hours after I had taken a Melatonin (see previous entry), I call and I hear the infamous beep at the end of each ring which insinuates that someone is actually using the fucking cell phone. I get excited and think, hmmm, he's actually on the phone or listening to his messages or whatnot. So, someone answers and I think I have the wrong number cuz that happens with his cell phone carrier cuz it's faulty. So, I call back and the same guy answers (bad for Jimbo) and I grill him about who he is. He's a guy named Josh that was doing "a little bit of drinking" and driving his own BMW over to a friend's house to get marijuana. I say, oh, that's funny, Jimbo can't do drugs, are you sure you guys aren't on crack? He said no. But EVERYONE will initially tell you no. So, he said he was using Jimbo's cell phone cuz his was out of battery juice. I thought later on how it's funny that a guy with a BMW wouldn't have a cell phone charger right in his car and would just use his own phone instead of using Jimbo's while Jimbo was back at his home (I believe the location of Jimbo was another lie). I think Jimbo was either at a crackhouse or in the seat next to Josh the Crackhead. NO, I don't give any of these people the benefit of a doubt. I've learned my lesson. They don't warrant the benefit of the doubt. So, he still hasn't called. I left some rude messages. I'm not stupid. I'll update later.

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