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2004-07-19 - 12:53 p.m.

Well, I forgot to log about my book I finished reading. It was called Where the Heart Is. I hated it for most of the time I was reading it. First of all, it was goofy and non-believable. I stuck in with the reading anyway, cuz like I mentioned before, I was going to finish it just so I could tell my mother what a dumb book it was. I even got comments about it, cuz once I'm reading a book, I carry it wherever I go, along with me in the car, waiting rooms, work, etc. So, even in the drive-thru at Chick-Fil-A, the drive-thru girl was like: "Oh, I saw that MOVIE! It was REALLY GOOD." To which I replied with avoidant casted eyes and silence. Seriously. Cuz my thinking was, if they made a movie out of this horrible book, that's just sad. Even one of my teachers said that same thing about seeing the movie and I said nothing cuz I didn't want to blurt out: "God, this book sucks! How could they make a movie from it?" But suddenly, on page 283, I really liked it finally. Usually, I've mentioned before that it takes about 50 pages of reading for me to really get into a book and like stuff about it, but this time it took 283 PAGES, guy. Seriously. The main character didn't develop any spine or substance until page 283. After that, I actually liked the book but stomaching the first four-fifths of it is PAINFUL. Good luck if you ever read it.

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