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2004-06-23 - 12:47 a.m.

I have to confess that Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'" was just on, just now. And Steve Perry, the lead singer of the above-mentioned band used to really stop my heart when I was 8 years old. He was my first love, I know this now. Now, don't tell anyone! Or I'll have to kill you. But when they played a snippet of the song/video that they had, my heart filled up with so much emotion all over again. I wonder what he looks like nowadays, that Steve Perry. Not that I want to know, cuz I'm TOTALLY SURE that he's not as hot as he used to be. It's a rule. Those eighties guys never aged very well. And realchild, PLEASE don't do an internet search for recent pictures of Steve Perry, cuz I'd totally rather let my flaming heart lie with unknowing. Okay, good night.

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