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2004-06-23 - 12:31 a.m.

I finally get it now. Dave Matthews� Band�s �Crash Into Me� is about sex and the woman on top and all that raunchy, good fun. I JUST NOW got that tonight�less than twenty minutes ago. (Yes, I�m DAMN slow.) You see, when I first heard it, I never listened to the �hike up your skirt� part, I just kept picturing cars crashing�and then after I saw the video and the lake in it, I thought of bumper boats crashing into one another. To top it all off�the part where it goes �hike up your skirt a LITTLE MORE� (when I finally listened to it) sounded TO ME like: �Hike up your skirt, LITTLE BOY�� And so thus occurred my ultimate turning off of the Dave Matthews Band in my brain, before they could ever get under my skin like they did to the rest of the pop-loving world. And now you know what type of things really go on in my mind when I stay up past my bedtime. Yes, when you get old, you give yourself a bedtime cuz your momma isn�t around to do it anymore for you.

Another vapid thing I did tonight was�I polished off the Doritos crumbs in the bag AFTER all the children went to bed. Now, this was a long battle tonight with keeping the Doritos out of my one child�s hands who kept demanding a snack. I wasn�t starving them, they�d already eaten and I knew the minute they lied down on their beds, that they would not want to do anything but sleep till the morning�but they kept saying they were hungry. So, I made them go to bed cuz I know they ate well for dinner, etc. Well, she kept telling me how she wanted the Doritos and why don�t I just give �em to her? The answer was no, cuz it was no longer snack time. So, finally after she went to bed, after all that talk and reminders about the Doritos existing in my kitchen, I ate them myself. I hid the empty bag deep in the garbage bag. I plan to throw more stuff away JUST IN CASE she could see it where it�s at now.

So, I�m watching VH-1 right now, cuz I�m old and vapid. The 100 Greatest Songs from the Last 25 Years is on. I know ALL of them. And hardly any of them are bad. I have a dilemma though. (I think I�ll make myself some dilemma-ade! A-huh!) I don�t know what I�m going to do with myself cuz it�s five hours long, ahem. And already we are only watching the second hour. WHAT THE FUCK AM I GOING TO DO? I�m already up past my bedtime! I guess I could just wait till Saturday afternoon to watch the rest. Tee hee.

There is a movie coming out called Fahrenheit 9/11 (Yes, I spelled Fahrenheit RIGHT THE FIRST TIME WITHOUT SPELLCHECK�S HELP! I�m uber smart). So, I thought, oh, great, it�s about that poor terrible incident in New York and at the Pentagon but I just saw the previews again and I think Michael Moore was glimpsed just then. Yeah, if he�s in charge of it, then that�s a different story. (A better story.) Okay, I�m going to go for now.

One more thing...I HATE when John Rzeznick from the Goo Goo Dolls talks about music (commentary) during the countdown. He's just a swashbuckler...he's one of those artist types who need to SHUT the HELL up. M'bien. He's too "seriously real." Good night.

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