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2004-06-21 - 12:22 a.m.

Oh my god, you guys! I hurt my foot soooooo bad yesterday. I was walking on the beach, and there was this stuff, and I didn�t even NOTICE it. I mean, the next thing I know, my foot was gaping open, BLEEDING profusely. I had to go to the hospital and get seven stitches. It was unreal. Yeah. Turns out I had stepped in a huge pile of unwanted carbs that everyone is cutting out of their diets. People, you�ve got to stop this insanity. It�s hurting more people, ME INCLUDED, than you�ll ever know.

Okay, just kidding. I never went to the beach yesterday. There were no unwanted carbs lying around. I didn�t cut my foot. In fact, I�ve never needed stitches�well, except for when I got my tonsils out�I think. I�m not sure if they did stitches back then.

Anyway. I went to the beach today though. We found starfish and sanddollars again. I cooked shrimp scampi for Father�s day. It was okay. It was missing basil. Do you think perhaps that is the key ingredient to the taste that I�m used to in my shrimp scampi? Yeah, I don�t know either. I DO know, however, that after going to both a pool and a beach, I cannot understand what the hell, FOR THE LIFE OF ME, what my horoscopes are saying when I read them two and three times in a row.

Bladder update: Got it bad�got it bad�got it bad, I�m hot for teacher. Just kidding. That means nothing, but what popped into my head when I started typing about my bladder. It�s fine for now. I mean, don�t get me wrong! I still have retention and pressure and burning and awkward sensations. However, as long as a doctor tells me I don�t need an antibiotic, I�m okay and have come to terms that I�m dying slowly of bladder cancer. I kid, I kid. Seriously, the pain and stuff is still there, but I noticed that when I drown myself with liquids�it�s SLIGHTLY easier to pee. However, this is an awful dilemma, cuz I�m not a very �hydrate-y� person and drinking is a CHORE. Which is probably the sole reason I�m having bladder problems to begin with. I�ve probably dehydrated myself over the years into having bladder problems. Yes, it�s all my fault.

School update: We are learning Excel. They cut out the CPR lessons and then a few of us were all like: �but having CPR certification totally makes us more hire-able with a medical office, DOY!� We aren�t naming any names of anyone that threw that particular fit, ahem, especially not any teachers� pets�ahem. What? Who said that? Yeah, so now we got CPR training back in our curriculum and it seems that we are graduating now later by a week or so�oops. Technicalities!

Um�any more to update about? No, I think not.

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