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2004-06-18 - 4:43 p.m.

Well, I got that ever-loving call back from my doctor finally. Sons of bitches. You�re not going to believe this. But I have NO infection. Zero sign of infection came back from my urine culture. I told him...REMINDED HIM...about the pain and burning and all that stuff I was getting and he said, �well, we checked for infection. If you have health insurance, you could go to a urologist and they could do biopsies and check for kidney stones and that sort of thing.�

Yeah, well, we all know why I came to his clinic in the first place...BECAUSE I DON�T HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE. He said there is this thing that�s called �interstitial cystitis� which means you don�t have a bladder infection and there is no sign of a bladder infection and you still have burning and pain and it�s because the walls of the bladder get inflamed and they need irrigating every month. Let me explain: THEY NEED TO STICK A THING UP YOUR PEEHOLE AND FLUSH IT, AND THEY CAN�T BEGIN TO DESCRIBE THE PAIN THAT THIS WOULD CAUSE ME CUZ A CATHETER (WHICH IS WHAT THEY WOULD HAVE TO USE AT SOME POINT DURING ANY BLADDER PROCEDURE) IS PAINFUL ENOUGH TO MAKE YOU WANT TO SLIT YOUR WRISTS. Irrigation would send me over the edge, let alone, IRRIGATION EVERY MONTH.

He also mentioned a cystoscopy. THAT, MY FRIENDS, IS A SCOPE-Y TUBE THING THAT THEY STICK INTO YOUR PEEHOLE AND ROOT AROUND LOOKING FOR STUFF AND SNAPPING �PICTURES.� BOY. I CAN�T WAIT FOR ANY OF THIS. My bladder and peehole is by far the most sensitive thing on me. I�m sure it is for everyone, but having catheters, etc., makes me want to jump through the roof. Honestly. Kill me now. I�ll keep you updated. I�m going to go burst into tears now.

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