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2004-06-18 - 3:50 p.m.

I�m sitting here waiting for a phone call. I won�t leave my desk, not even to return things to lawyers. I�m a slave to my phone. I�m waiting for an overdue call from my doctor telling me what �he now wants to do� now that he has read my urinalysis report. I was doing the same thing earlier until about quarter till one when I HAD to take a lunch cuz I had to run errands and I had called the doctor�s clinic two or three times and when I finally talked to them the last time before I went to run my errands, the front desk girl said that the computers were down (she was lying, I think) and everyone was out to lunch. Everyone. Except her of course. All I wanted her to do was tell me if the doctor had really sent in my urinalysis report like I begged him to. Well, the computers were down. So, I left my own office and ran my errands and came back to the office to my phone telling me I had a message.

OF COURSE, IT WAS FROM THE DOCTOR telling me the SAME MESSAGE, that he has twice in the last week, of crap I DIDN�T WANT TO KNOW. �Heather...your blood test and x-ray came back normal, thank you.� He never leaves a number (cuz he is afraid that I�ll call him back), I can never understand his name when he says it, and he just repeated the other two messages that I ALREADY KNEW. He�s been playing this fucking game with me for a week now. I have been in bladder pain for OVER a week now. Whenever he HAS called, he tells me everything EXCEPT the results of the urinalysis which are NOW MOST IMPORTANT to me given my current pain and burning sensations.

I won�t even begin to tell you the experimentation I have begun this past week with �All Natural� Cranberry juices. PUKE, is all I can say. Ocean Spray makes it right every time. I don�t care how �non-effective� it is with all it�s hoity toity high fructose corn syrup. Fuck everybody, and just know that SWEETENED CRANBERRY JUICE is FINE. Because when you have FIVE BOTTLES of the unsweetened, all natural crap, and you drink a sip per day because of the uncommonly shitty taste, then how healthy is that for you when you could have already downed a gallon of the 27% cranapple juice from Ocean Spray. Do you get what I�m saying? It�s better to have LOTS OF sugary cran juice that helps A LITTLE for your bladder, than to have HARDLY NONE AT ALL all-natural-can�t-stomach-the-taste-odyssey cran juice. Oh, yeah, and the natural cran juices are everything but cranapple flavor. DON�T EVER GET BLUEBERRY WITH CRAN CUZ IT TASTES LIKE PRUNE/CRAN.

And the doctor STILL hasn�t called me back. I hate them. I hate that whole stupid clinic. The first person that was ever helpful was nice enough to tell me that she would look up on the computer (oh, gee, they�re back up now) and see if they had sent in the urine culture, which she discovered they had but now she has to wait outside the office door of whichever room he�s (the doctor) in so that he can �sign off� i.e., let her talk to me about the report, and tell me if the results were good, bad, or ugly. M�bien. So, that�s who we are waiting on to call back.

But it�s been kinda long, so now I�m thinking, he thinks she�s crazy or maybe they decided that HE is the one that should call back no matter what. And if anybody is realizing any of this...THIS WILL BE THE SECOND WEEKEND I HAVE THESE BLADDER PROBLEMS. This means, that if someone doesn�t start an antibiotic prescription for me, then there will be three more days of turmoil and pain and it will keep getting worse and worse. pee is no longer coming all the way out, you guys. I have pain and burning and shooting pains, etc. It�s ridiculous. I KNOW there is something WRONG with me. Now, I�m just waiting for everyone else to figure it out. I need to go to Mexico and get my own fucking prescriptions.

Don�t forget, not only can�t I pee with problems like these, I also can�t exercise, have sex, lift things, have any fun, be happy, etc. Yeah. So, we�ll see if they call back while there is enough time to actually do something about it like GET SOME MEDICINE before everyone closes for the weekend, etc. I hate relying on other people who are professionally PAID for shit they don�t do.

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