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2004-06-14 - 1:06 a.m.

What the fuck? Why does that man confuse me on a daily basis? Well, not really DAILY, just a weekly basis, really. I wandered into his voice mail of his cell phone when I called once (of the million times that I called) today and I played around with what would be his password. He�s so transparent. I mean�I guessed his passcode on the third try. The only reason I thought it was important to do that sort of thing was because he hasn�t called me since yesterday (Saturday) and we had plans for today (Sunday) and I thought sure he lost his phone or got it stolen or something. So, I got into his messages (I told him I listened to them in a later message of my own but I said that Jimmy grabbed the phone and accidentally hit all the right numbers to get into his voice mail; I told his mom that too, cuz I told her the messages I heard) and what I heard was this guy, �Richie,� who I�ve never known existed but I wish the damn guy would have left his number so I could call him back and drill him about who the hell �Shari� is.

Richie called and left messages saying, �Jimbo, I�m sick of playing these games, where the fuck is Shari, have her call me cuz I don�t wanna be her messenger boy, she has like a hundred messages.� Actually there were a few messages and they started out just trying to see if Shari and �everything� was okay and then they went to: �Jimbo, grab Shari by the fucking throat and have her call me now.� So, I�d first of all love to know who the fuck Shari is. Yeah, yeah, I know. I had no business listening to his messages. Well, so what. Jimbo owes me child support money and he was supposed to be home to have a check for me and now he�s screwed out of everything positive that I have to offer him. I hate when he fucks me over. So, then there was also a message from John (last night he was supposed to hang out with a few work buddies, one of them John, and he wanted me to go with him but I couldn�t find a babysitter) so John was concerned and said: �Jimbo, what�s up? You come up here and hang out and then you leave? What�s up? It was your set-up for all of us to get together! Why�d you leave, man? I have quarters on the pool tables waiting! Where are you?� And that was a refreshing message so now he can�t fucking say that he hung out all that long with any of his friends. Cuz I know better.

So, I found John�s number (cuz John and I would probably had become an item awhile back cuz he was the guy that him and I exchanged numbers and all at Jimbo�s bday party when Jimbo was being a sleazy loser) and I called him (John) and told him that I accidentally heard some messages of Jimbo�s too and gee, why didn�t he hang out with you guys very long? It�s ok if you tell me, who did he leave with anyway? Well, John was nice enough to �not know� who Jimbo left with and so I asked John if he knew a Richie or a Shari and John said no. Well, anyway, Jimbo has a lot of �splainin� to doooo. Or I�m going to kill him. I don�t take very kindly to him doing things wrong that if I were to do them, he�d have a vendetta against me for doing such atrocious things. Hmmm. Very, very strange indeed. I wonder who Shari is. Better yet, I wonder why the fuck he left his friends anyway. Well, we all know why he left his work friends�because they don�t do drugs and Jimbo had to find someone to get drugs from and do drugs with. He�s so fucking pathetic. He never has the guts to call me to ever confess. I deserve confessions. He has made me give them in the past. Bastard.

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