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2004-06-12 - 5:49 p.m.

I really could kill that doctor at the clinic. Now, my urination problems are worse. It is doing that lovely thing where I�ll be sitting there and if I even think about when the last time was that I peed, I get that sudden burst of a sensation that my bladder is going to jettison out of my pelvis if I don�t get up to pee RIGHT AWAY. It�s lovely being a girl. So, then, I�ll go, and involuntarily at the end, my urethra sphincter snaps shut again and so I can�t release all the urine that I �think� I have to release. And the amount that I did release is about 2 teaspoons. Another bad sign. So, here I sit being �pissed off� literally. I�m out of everything but that also includes cranberry juice. I took a few naps today. I should just drink water but I�m lazy and haven�t poured it yet. Instead I made a protein shake which will not help cuz it�s milk, it�s thicker, and protein and calcium don�t help that sort of infection. But I felt I had to eat/drink something with extra nutrients in it. Yeah. I�m screwed. On a good note, I took two of those orange bladder numbing pills so that when I do pee again, it won�t hurt so bad and it will be orange.

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