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2004-06-12 - 12:23 p.m.

Dear Spineless Man Who Called to do �that survey� this Morning:

You weren�t paying very much attention and if you don�t recall or maybe didn�t hear me, here is how the conversation went:

You asked my child if you could speak to Heather Box and I got on the phone you affirmed that I was indeed Heather and I said yes. Then�

Stupid man: Hi, ma�am, I�m calling from Precision Research and we are doing a study on women and their health and I�d like to ask you a few questions.

Me: (sighing) okay.

Stupid Man: First I would like to explain that abortion is a right of women in America and I�d like to get your views on whether you are for abortion�

Me: (sighing) yeah. Okay, and so who are you with?

Stupid Man: Precision Research?

Me: (sighing) and so what side are they on? What political affiliation are they with?

Stupid Man: Um, none that I know of.

Me: (laughing/sighing) Okay.

A very long silence in where I was confused. Then, you disconnected from me first without so much as giving me any kind of toll free number or anything.

Being a previous monitor in my employment life, why didn�t you just continue the questions and the survey? I don�t understand your spinelessness. I wasn�t even that tough of a customer. If you are going to have a job like that, then you have to be quick about things, don�t falter, and stick to the script. I was willing to answer the questions; I�m just a sarcastic interviewee. Why did you hang up on me? Did you think I had laid the phone down? You aren�t going to last in a world like that. You are going to be monitored eventually and you will get very low scores. I�m disappointed. I thought I could really voice my opinions on a topic that I am highly protective over. What happened? Were you afraid of me? That�s just silly. You spineless, wishy-washy survey caller.



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