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2004-06-23 - 3:21 p.m.

Okay. #4 was �Lose Yourself� by Eminem. That was a disappointment cuz I was positive that there were other spots that he could have been in, like #99 or something. Nothing against Eminem, but he isn�t that majorly impressive of a person out of the last 25 years of MY musical listening. #3 was Guns-n-Roses� �Sweet Child of Mine,� another shocker to me cuz I thought their �Rocket Queen� or �My Michelle� were way better. But at least someone familiar beat Eminem. I forget #2. But, Nirvana of all bands, was #1 with �Smells Like Teen Spirit.� Yes, I taped it last night�the rest of it that was going to air while I slept. I also taped the beginning of �Insomniac Music Theater� and a Public Broadcasting Test�hooray! So. Now I know. I was a little obsessed with what the outcome would be and now I�m almost equally obsessed with WHY the outcome is the way it is. I mean, Nirvana again was a very good band. But what happened to �Lithium?� Oh well. It reminded me that I still have to give my nephew his birthday present, the Nirvana CD �Nevermind.� Thanks for the reminder, VH-1!

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