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2004-06-25 - 3:54 p.m.

Well, here we are, Heather. You haven�t been cleaning at all still. You never cleaned your bathroom like you were supposed to either. Gross. And now your kitchen is a total disaster. As usual, you look around and THINK you know what you should do next and then the real part of you overtakes everything and you sit on your ass and feel tired again. You don�t even try. You do things in tiny unimpressive increments so that you can�t even tell, you �barely even made a dent� so to speak. Tonight, since you�ll have a couple hours and you�re down to just two kids this weekend, go home after working out and DO SOMETHING. Start by taking ALL THE STUFF on top of the kitchen counters, and...I�m SERIOUS NOW. Just listen. Take all the stuff from the kitchen counters...that means EVERY SINGLE COUNTER IN THE KITCHEN AND on the dividing partition in front of the sink also, and shove it all into boxes and then you�ll have a clean slate to scrub down the counters and organize the small appliances and then maybe you can start over. SLOWLY, reorganize what was put in the boxes and put things where they belong. You have to do something. You are not a disgusting person and so your things should not turn into a disgusting mess. Don�t stay too long at the gym either or you�ll waste time and wear yourself out and then you�ll make more excuses and be all, �I can�t clean, I�m too tired!!� So, just take your book in and read on the exercise bike or something. Maybe do some sit-ups on the ab machine you know, fend off the pouch that starts to form when you get lazy and avoid the gym for three and four weeks at a time. Ahem. But first things first, a place for everything and everything in its place. DON�T FORGET TO CLEAN THOUGH. Laundry and dishes too. You can do it!

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