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2004-06-08 - 10:15 a.m.

Dear Self,

You are really not cleaning your house these days. And you really have to start doing it. Now that we have a handle on the laundry/washing, you can call again to check and see if they are going to try to fix or replace your dilapidated washer. I hope it�s not your fault that it�s broken. But doesn�t almost everything break after two years� worth of regular use?

Anyway, first let�s talk about your skanky kitchen counter. What�s up with leaving your CDs right near the sink to get wet? Duh! The whole point of having your CDs hanging out together was to repair them. And how come you haven�t done all that yet? And the refrigerator. That�s a sight to behold. That chocolate syrup that leaked on the door into a skanky puddle is stillllllll there! After how many months? Man, you are a slob. And the stove? You need to change the aluminum foil grease catchers out cuz they are nasty now, and you need to wipe the stove top down. You really should do that every other day even when you DON�T cook. Cuz you know, you should. It just looks really gross. And all that paper clutter. Man, when are you going to get organized? Nobody�s going to do it for you! You could use that one cupboard that you hardly ever use, just to keep the baskets of �inboxes� that you tend to accumulate and not do anything with. Seriously, I bet we could throw some of that stuff out. Remember when you found those five-month-past-expired coupons last week? Yeah. Exactly! That�s the type of crap that�s up there. Put it all in boxes/caddies and stuff it under that cupboard and you can go through it later, just so long as it�s out of the way, it�s a flippin� eyesore!

Now, that carpet. You aren�t vacuuming enough, but I can�t really explain either where those dark nasty stains have come from. I guess just years of (in this case two years) of stuff falling and not being noticed and making itself into a dark stain? Maybe the kids drop things and don�t tell you. Gross. Even if you asked, they still wouldn�t tell you. Publix rents out those carpet cleaner machines. You really need to invest in that on the next paycheck you get. Or that company that always has the specials for $49.95. Maybe they�d do all the rooms.

Onto everything else, I mean, that paper clutter has infiltrated EVERYWHERE. You also need to move the loveseat so the room is a different shape. Then you can move the coffee table and maybe that will keep you from piling the clean, folded laundry up high on the back of the couch, once it�s up against the wall. Plus, you need to clean underneath the couches. If you really plan on moving in seven months, you need to find a home (out of sight) for all the boxes that are already packed up. Just stick �em somewhere and put a blanket over them or something so they look better. We can�t be a successful, professional, smart, beautiful woman if we are this messy on a daily basis. Seriously, if you�d just clean shit up and keep it nice and clean it when it wasn�t so dirty yet and maintain it, then it wouldn�t be this stressful to clean and keep things organized and you wouldn�t have to write yourself silly letters for all the world to see.

You can let go of the neglect that you have. Clean the bathrooms. You mean well. You�ve started to clean the girls� bathroom twice in the last month but you never finished. I know, too messy, right? Overwhelming? Get over it! They need to have clean quarters and then they will learn how to respect their areas and not be so damn messy...I wonder who they get that from...hmmm.

What else? Everywhere, the desk, the couches, the closets, you just need to clean everywhere. It looked really nice when you were reading all those feng shui books awhile back. What, was it last year? Geez. You sure have a short attention span. You have to DAILY feng shui your home and areas and your life. You can�t just read it and then ignore it. Respect yourself! Others will follow. You can�t keep keeping all of your crap like you do. You can�t even find your hairbrush now. Doesn�t matter though, cuz it was broken and you need a new one anyhow. And don�t forget to add dishwasher detergent to your list, too.

Clean! Clean a section at a time so you don�t get overwhelmed and cry. What did you bother to get that �Real Simple� Magazine subscription for anyway if you aren�t going to make an effort to mimic the pictures of beauty and organization in the magazine articles? What�s your point? You never even make your bed, but that�s another story. Be good, take care. Clean, dammit.

Cleaning goal of the week: Spotlessly clean your bathroom (including the floor--you can�t keep ignoring the fact that the toilet overflowed last week. The germs are everywhere now...ewwwwwwwww, seriously.



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