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2004-06-05 - 11:29 a.m.

No, I did not have sex for money. I didn't do anything for money. I'm just going to do what I talked about before where I work my ass off and pay back the payday loan that I'm going to get today. Yeah. So, anyway.

My children are so funny. They fight over stupid things and they make up weird songs. Like, Stephanie, the other day, wouldn't stop singing this one song...I know she made it up. Here's the lyrics and if you are going to try to sing it in your head, think "black female r and b singer voice" cuz that's the sound little, white Stephanie is going for these days. Okay, here it is:

When it was Valentine's Day

February the 14th.

My baby took me to a specialllllll plaaaaaaace,

then he told me to close MY EYES

So that I could not see.

And when I opened my eyes...

It was someone else and

then he proposed to me.......

Stephanie just informed me that she's NOT white, she's tan. PLUS, it is a real song (partly) except the lyrics they have added. I just crack up on the parts when he tells "her" to close her eyes (so she could not see) and that when she opens them up, there's someone else. Where did the "baby"/boyfriend go? And why would he let "someone else" propose to his girlfriend? Kmmmmmmmmmm.

Anyway. this is the opportune time to go to the pool, cuz I saw the pool man cleaning the nasty bitch last night after it was closed. So, the cleanest moments of the pool are this morning. But if I go swimming now...then I have to really watch the time for when I go and get my payday advance, as early as 1:30 p.m. It's damn hot out there so I know the minute I get in the car and go and get the payday loan, we are going to have to come back and go back into the pool just so we don't feel so sweltering.

That's one of the adjectives I have for the heat. Sweltering. Also, the heat I experience (not the breezy heat under a shade tree, but the sweltering sweatbox heat while I'm in my car and my a/c does not work and I want to die, that heat) has become its own entity that I like to refer to as: "You Fuckin' Whore." Cuz that's the only words I seem to be able to get out when I have to drive anywhere and it's so hot out. Yep, you'd think since I've lived in Florida since I was two years old, that "Fuckin' Whore" and me would go way back with good memories, but no. However, the minute it gets cold, I'm pissed off, cuz that means, "Fuckin' Whore" has gone and run off with someone else and that means she truly is a "Fuckin' Whore." Yep. That's the best analogy I could come up with.

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