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2004-06-04 - 7:04 p.m.

WOW! I got my first note here at diaryland, and it was from some DUMB BITCH. Imagine that. She had advice for me, too. Isn't that great? She told me, to help me with my money problem, I should save money by disconnecting from the internet. Sorry, but I don't owe $300 in internet bills. I tried to leave her a note, but she does not have her notes feature turned on. Anyway, dear crazykat, I was at WORK leaving entries and screwing around with their online access, you numbskull. So, yeah. Unless you are going to read all of my entries, don't give me advice cuz you understand nothing about my life. I KNOW why I have lack of funds, love. I'm very fucking hip to the reasons why. The internet bill is the LEAST of my issues right now. What a doof. Don't doof on me.

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