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2004-06-01 - 5:12 p.m.

What the F? Two out of three of my stories that I submitted to Glittertrain-ass Magazine have NOT been accepted for first-time publishing. What the F? They�re just jealous. I need to submit them to other magazines and such. I�m not perturbed really, I just needed a quick $500 and that was my last hope to pay my rent in full. Now that I didn�t qualify and who knows if the crappiest (to me) and last story will qualify at all, I am going to have to write new ones. Writing is hard when you can�t remember what you were trying to say.

What was I going to say? Sighhhh. Agenda: Try not to be so damn depressed. I thought my skin was peeling already, then I realized that it was the dried aloe gel from layers past. I probably put aloe gel on about five times in the last 24 hours or whenever my last shower was. Pretty. Green crusty stuff is flaking off of me. I need to shower again. And if I feel this way, that means that my children need to shower also. Cuz they have layers of aloe gel on them as well.

I made the mistake of going home on my lunch break when I planned on not clocking out whatsoever and just staying at my desk instead to get that extra time. So, I got caught up in my book and read lots of pages. I was probably reading at home for an hour before I realized I still needed to eat. Tonight is school and hopefully our �new� teacher will ignore us and I can read there too. I also need to make my flash cards and do my homework sheets for each chapter and I MUST remember to transfer my test answers to the bubble sheet for all the tests that I�ve completed. I think I�ll just use one of the work pencils here in my pen holder. I should have brought my homework in but I was afraid to get caught working on non-work stuff.

Speaking of work, we are having a meeting tomorrow to find out what the recommendations are all about as far as me going full time, etc. I�m not feeling very hopeful. I�m sick of getting my hopes up. I feel silly. How dare I want to be full time! Briefly, before my lunch break, I was motivated to do something daring, like find out who was hiring at various area hospitals. Then, I went home and started reading and my motivation got put on the back burner.

The new-ish Russian guy is talking on his cell phone IN RUSSIAN nearby the cubicle. I like hearing other languages in conversation. When you listen long enough, you feel like you can understand what they are saying (I mean if you don�t already know the particular language). At least, you can feel what they are feeling about while they are saying it.

That reminds me (don�t ask why that reminds me of this), I forgot to bring more tampons for my class tonight. I was trying to stay till the last minute so I didn�t have to leave earlier and go home and get more tampons again. Why can�t I remember them? Ugh. My friend said she pictured Dr. Phil saying to me: �Heather, have you thought about keeping a travel-size box in your glove compartment? You could do that, you know.� So, now every single time I forget my tampons, I think of Dr. Phil saying that to me. Yes, it was Shannon.

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