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2004-05-15 - 10:36 a.m.

Well, I have like five or six books started just waiting for me to pick them back up and finish reading them completely. I love reading. It gives me such a high. Apparently, like crack would if I were to actually experience crack myself.

The kids want me to take them to the pool. How lame. It's a bright, sunny Saturday morning in Florida...can't they of anything BETTER to do? Just kidding. I'm going to take them. Cuz it's in lieu of going to one of the two parties they were invited to. The one for a girl named, "Kyra." Pronounced KY-ruh. No, thanks. But, has that girl's name EVER been mentioned the whole year long about anything at all??? NO. "Kyra" didn't even come to Stephanie's party. Finally, Stephanie, who was the one originally invited, admitted, "well, I don't really hang out with her." Sorry, but it's a non-paycheck, no child support weekend, so, I don't even have money for a birthday present for the kid. I'm so glad she realized that it would not be beneficial for us to go. Besides, it's at the beach where there's some water park that I'm not privy to, but have heard about...wait, is that what that means? If you've heard about it, you're privy to it? Anyway, I've never been there. I called the mother several times to try to find better directions and to find out what the girl wanted for her birthday without success. No return phone calls or no complete messages.

So, we opted to go to the pool today and then go to the OTHER party they were invited to, which is one of Chloe's friends. Her name is Madison (I know, puke on the name) and her mom is really cool. She's the one that let me borrow all of the books. So, that's at 3 p.m. and conveniently located in a toy store which helps with the gift certificate purchase that I planned. I don't have to go to Wal-Mart first. I can just get it there. They are going to do crafts and the mother emailed me back and said that it is better if I just drop them off. Bless her heart. Although, I don't mind staying, cuz I've also never been to that toy store and what are Jimmy and I going to do for the better part of two hours with one another? I can't come back home, cuz then it will be time to leave again. I'll probably take him to a park and read my book while he plays.

Speaking of reading...this was supposed to be added to the first paragraph in retrospect...I am finishing "America the Beautiful." It's a really good book. And I know that book titles are supposed to be italicized or underlined...but I don't feel hip to html codes right now. Sorry. The book title gets quotes. But, anyway, I'm finishing reading it. I'm almost halfway through and it's really funny and descriptive. I just love reading.

Gee willikers, I just love reading...yeah, I don't have much of substance this morning. But, here's some things I forgot to comment on earlier in the week. First of all, I got some drawings from Chloe for Mother's Day, Stephanie opted to only make something for Grandma (my mother). Jimmy made NOTHING. The teacher used the excuse that they were busy with the field trip last Thursday and that she couldn't afford the supplies/materials this time. UH. THANKS A LOT BUSH. NO MOTHER'S DAY GIFT GETS LEFT BEHIND. What a douchebag. Sorry, but classrooms, ESPECIALLY special Pre-K Head Start classrooms, need funding for cutesy projects, especially for Mother's Day. I hate Bush. He's such a fucking reject. I hope he's having fun at Camp David sipping smoothies and playing golf with MY MOTHER'S DAY PRESENT MONEY. Bastard.

So, I also realized that this week, Chloe doesn't really bathe Jimmy like she promises when they are allowed to take a bath together. NO, there's nothing lewd going on...there's just NOTHING going on. I decided to smell Jimmy this time. He smelled like a parking lot ground AFTER Chloe had "said" she had "washed him and shampooed his hair" the little liar. I mean, if you don't want to do it, TELL ME. I'm not a slave driver. But, she said that she wanted to take a bath with him and that SHE WOULD clean him for me. Chloe is 6 and Jimmy is 3. She's actually done this before and he smelled clean. Not this time. I had to re-wash his hair. Silly Chloe.

In other news, Stephanie LIKES to vacuum. I asked her to just vacuum the sandpile that had came out of Jimmy's shoes in the living room...and she WANTED to vacuum between all the couch cushions and the whole living room and Jimmy's room and everything. I was very impressed. No, I'm not going to use her as a private little maid. But, she does like vacuuming...and who's arguing with that?

Okay. They keep coming in and giving me evil eyes for not going to the pool three hours ago. They're so demanding. I have half my bathing suit on now. They want me to take the neighbor girl also. I'm not energetic enough to do that. Cuz like, it's hard enough making sure my THREE kids don't drown...but now I have to watch over another kid...Sighhhhhhhhhhh. Plus, she's REALLY talkative, and I already have one of those. PLUS...she's like empty and void of self-assuredness so the minute she feels she isn't good enough to do something, she stops everything. It's hard to explain. But she is a loner, kinda. Which makes me think that maybe I should take her to the pool simply becuz she doesn't seem to get out much. But, is that MY PROBLEM? Sighhh. We will see.

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