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2004-05-06 - 11:11 p.m.

I got a 102% on my first medical terminology test tonight. I kick so much ass. I got absolutely none of them wrong.

Tonight there was an accident at the intersection right outside of the school. It looked kinda bad, but I can't understand how we didn't hear it. Like, three or more cars were involved. You'd think we would have heard some sort of crash or something. Sorry, I usually don't dwell on things like that, but I work for a personal injury law firm, and so that's part of my business. I wonder if any of the drivers/passengers will become clients. I will be able to transcribe their interviews with the insurance companies and say: "I REMEMBER THAT ACCIDENT." I'll be so special. Haha.

So...what else? I've been reading like a fiend...sort of. I mean, I still sit and stare a lot, but I finished an 897 page book (I KNOW THIS MUCH IS TRUE by: Wally Lamb). I told my best friend that it was 901 pages. I didn't realize that that included the bibliography page. Sorry, realchild. Yes, people, there's a bibliography page in a fiction novel. He (Wally) needed to gain some knowledge apparently about twins and's a really good book, I'm telling you. Plus, he did what the writers that I love, do. He incorporated books that the "characters read" into the know, the characters talk about stuff that is in a book and so he has to cite the book of course, it really adds to my reading list. I love when authors do that. I read as much as I can with school and work and my children going on and all. I had to renew my library books.

Sunday was the company picnic. That was kinda boring. We only went there to eat. There were these cookies there...they were so fucking awesome. They were peanut butter with tiny, mini Reese's cups that were as big as my first fingernail. They were so fucking good. That was the best part of the picnic. My kids were anti-social toward the other kids and adults for that matter. Then, I reflected on how antisocial I am and so that must be the reason they are. Oh, well.

Speaking of really fucking awesome cookies...there's this witchy woman at work. I call her that, cuz I truly think she delves or has delved in the white magic, possibly black magic, what have you. But she is the BEST fucking baker. She brought these cookies in one time, a few months back...white chocolate macadamia nuts with some coconut too, I believe...I'm not a coconut person...but these fucking cookies were so fucking good. I'm not shitting you. So, I ate like probably a dozen on the sly that day. I couldn't help it.

So, today, I caught wind again that she had brought in cookies for Mother's Day, (I don't think those were hers at the picnic, btw)...and today's cookies...I went over and had a chat with her about them. Her cookies are better than really good sex. Today's were chocolate chip, nuts and coconut again. Again, the tolerable coconut shreds. She admitted that the recipe was very strange to her, from some gourmet magazine or something...and it doesn't call for sugar or flour. Instead it calls for graham cracker crumbs, and sweetened condensed milk, among other delicious things. She likes dark chocolate (ME TOO!!!!!), thank goddess, and so the chocolate chips were imported from Europe, and she beats the nuts (her therapy) herself. I think I'm falling in love with her (for her cookies, duh)...but she scares me.

The thing that really scares me about her, is that she knows a lot and she is very self-assured. Sad, isn't it? That I am fearful of people who seem secure with themselves. That shows how insecure I am. I ate like six or seven of her cookies today. I didn't even take a lunch break...just kept going over and stealing cookies. I'm such a pleasant office folk. LOL.

I'm getting hungry again just thinking about those damn cookies of hers. That reminds me (in a weird far-fetched way) that I haven't put the groceries away WIC groceries. Which means, MY MILK!!! DUH, WAKE UP, HEATHER!!

My rent is late...I think I'm getting help with it tomorrow. The same people also have a way to help me with my broken off tailpipe. Isn't that romantick? Okay...bye for now.

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