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2004-04-29 - 10:13 p.m.

Well, I started school this week. That's always fun for me. I'm really gung ho about it so far. The first "class" we are taking is medical terminology. I already had a class in it and then of course had to fill in a whole workbook as part of a requirement for a different class cuz I thought I wanted to go into nursing. Well, yeah. You see how far that went. I didn't like nursing. This round of classes that have to do with medical stuff are easier (seemingly) to me. It is medical OFFICE work, as opposed to being responsible for people dying cuz of your stupid ass.

I started Tuesday. It's every Tuesday and Thursday night. It was fairly painful tonight. We went over our homework...number by number. I found it to be painful cuz I'm a smart-ass and I'd rather work on my own. The first class of medical terminology I took a few years ago, was "mixed media" meaning, I didn't have a "class." I did everything out of the workbook, emailed my professor with any questions, practiced my flashcards, took the tests at the supervised testing center, and passed with a big HUGE A+. Yeah. I work better alone.

So, when I'm sitting there with these people who skipped problems on their homework and can't tell their ass from a hole in the ground, I feel a lot of pain for myself and the teacher and the other few of us who are "with it" and have done their work or at least tried to find the answer somewhere. I also have no patience for mispronunciations. I know. I'm a big bitch. I show no mercy. And I am very embarrassed if I ever do get one or two wrong. I believe in not opening your big fucking mouth unless you are REALLY correct. I mean, save your face.

So, yeah. But it's government-funded. Whoo-hooo for welfare mothers. I'm the only one in the class with THREE kids. Everyone else has two or one. My childcare is paid for. Everything in the class for everybody else is paid for also. They even offered possible car repair if someone needed it. I feebly mentioned my tailpipe which is wired on. They made a sincere effort to talk to the mechanic that they do business with. I haven't mentioned the other three or four other problems my car is dealing with. Plus, I didn't tell anyone about this either, but there was an ominous wobble whilst I was driving thither and yon tonight. I didn't like the feel of it. I checked for flatness...only found one tire that was SORT OF blimping out at the bottom...but not enough for me to get grease on my hands. I'll make someone else do put air in it first.

So, this weekend is the company picnic. Never been yet. It's an annual Spring thing. Sighhhhhhhh. I kept asking the younger girls in the office if I would be looked at badly for wearing my bikini, cuz it's at a county park. Then, I realized what a hussy I sounded like. Who wears their bikini to the company picnic? I actually MEANT to wear it for when I went canoeing or something. I guess I'll stay covered around the "co-workers." So as not to invite any glances or glares. Yeah. I don't wanna give any of the old men heart attacks. Hopefully, Jimbo can go. Ahem.

Yes. I'm working things out with Jimbo so far. More on that later. Much later. I'm kinda embarrassed to get into all of it just yet. You know. Okay. That's all of everything for now. Byeeeeeeee.

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