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2004-04-19 - 2:53 p.m.

Well, suffice it to say, we anxiously replace things that have left us with other things to maintain control over the things we can no longer control. Does that make sense? Here's an example. "HE" used to fix MY car. Plus, he used to have sex with me. NOW, we don't have sex and he is fixing "HER" car now. Is there a pattern here? Is that how the charming begins all the time with him? Display your manly abilities, show your worthiness. Much like the peacock flaunts his array of fanned out tail feathers. To prove himself. What a fucked up situation. So annoying. So...upsetting...but not like the upsetting face/emotion that you see when the lady on the soap opera finds her man in bed with someone else...IT'S MORE LIKE...the upsetting face/emotion you have when you realize that you finally have time to go to that bookstore...the one that you haven't been able to get to in several months...and when you get there you discover that they have moved and the time span for the forwarding address in the window is now obsolete. You just seem kinda lost and just kinda mutter repeatedly, "BUT, WAIT..." Like there was unfinished business. YES. UNFINISHED BUSINESS.

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