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2004-04-04 - 12:46 p.m.

My neck hurts from that silly tailgating incident I had a few months back. I'm not about to make a claim though to bring attention to my insurance company's need to raise my insurance. No way. So, I suffer in silence. It's not that bad, it's just my range of motion for hanging my head down so my face faces the ground and then doing the opposite, leaning my head back so that my forehead faces the sky...that's (both of those) are hard to do. But, who's complaining? I mean, the only time I would NEED to do that is during yoga or something. No, I'll be okay, really. It's minor. I think. Well, if it were major, I'd expect a whole lot more pain and discomfort or something. I don't even think the lady I hit called my insurance company, cuz I never heard from anyone in particular about it. Really, I just painted her bumper red. Oh well. I hope she never called. I can't afford high insurance.

So, I went and got my children's (two of them) hair cut. Chloe was still at her sleepover. (Although, looking at her shagginess today, makes me want to take her to get her hair cut, too.) So, then I finally coordinated with the other mother when she wanted and where to meet to drop off Chloe...we picked Wal-Mart since I had to go there anyway. I was buying clothes for Steph, cuz they are cheaper there and they have "Mary Kate and Ashley" clothing line (but wound up spending WAY TOO much fucking money). So, I lost my son TWICE in the store. I mean, full on walking from department to department calling his name in futility. Found him though...just running around. He stayed so happy, too. Little goofball.

So, we get home, and none of her pants fit her...cuz she's too frigging skinny. She's 8 now. and STILL in a 6/6X. I bought 7/8 hoping she could just start growing into them, but it's not going to work that way, cuz they are sweatpants. So...I guess I have to go back today. I hate that frigging store. HATE IT.

So, I finally watched Le Divorce. If nothing else, Kate Hudson, the offspring of Goldie Hawn, is very pretty to look at. But the movie is slow...........

Man, I've got to reprogram myself to stop fucking slouching. I slouch terribly...and then take turns standing up really straight, trying to look sexy, and then feeling too damn tall, so then slouching all over again. But, it's bad, cuz when I slouch in certain chairs, my back feels numb upon standing again. Oy vey.

What else? Yeah, I'm boring today. Haha. You're the one that read it. Doy. I really wanted to do something outside today. The heat overwhelms me sometimes though. But, I really think I should just tough it out and do it though. But, I will have to take all of my kids...that's a chore. But, I need to get out there. I'd love to go kayaking/canoeing. But not all of my kids would fit in the same boat. LOL. Now, that would be an adventure...I could put the two girls in a boat together and just tow them...hahahaha. I crack myself up.

There's this guy that I might be meeting soon...he wants to talk on the phone first, cuz he's not apt in chatting, doy. But, he has three daughters, so if we even think about doing stuff on the will be like some hodgepodge Brady Bunch. But it might be really fun. Cuz his girls are slightly older than all of my children. We will see. If anything comes of will be a miracle...cuz it seems like the minute I get my hopes up, people disappear or fade out...or they just happen to not be my type. Oh, well. I can do shit on my own.

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