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2004-04-02 - 9:56 p.m.

Well, let's see...what have I done with myself for the past 24 hours?? I'll tell you!!! I actually got tired before 2 a.m. last night/morning. So, I went and laid in bed and read my ever-loving book. God, you guys, I fucking LOVE makes me feel soooo good in my heart. Does anyone else feel that way? Yeah, so anyway, I fell asleep before one a.m. I think which is good for me...but tonight I'm shooting for even earlier. Cuz I want to get a start on my weekend sooner, you know? Cuz I want to workout PLUS do other stuff. You know.

So, what else. I woke up this morning...had Chloe's stuff packed for her sooperdooper sleepover, got the girls to school ON TIME...WOW.

You know what I hate? Speaking of driving...I just fucking hate when other people are on the road with me. No one can drive around here. I mean, seriously. They all suck. They are all hesitant...wishy-washy drivers who don't speed up when necessary, pause for opportunistic green and yellow lights...just plain suck. God, I hate driving around this town.

So, I went to work. I got an email from Steph's teacher. Apparently, she's a nice child to her teachers AND her classmates...go figure. She just torments her sister and mother. So, what else?

Um...oh, I went to the Wiccan book store...cuz no, I'm not Wiccan. But I do like candles and it's a magickal medieval looking place and now they have a cafe. So I went specifically cuz I wanted to buy my co-worker/mentor a birthday present. She is yet another Aries in my life who turns 60 or something on the 8th. So, the Reading Center was CALLING me...I was on my way to the mall and was like, "ohhh, I gotta go there instead!" And made a complete u-turn in the complete middle of the road. So, I bought some candles, for me and her, but hers are special birthday candles. I also bought lunch there, and cheesecake (again for me and her too) and some other stuff. I have a new silver ring. So, all in all for her birthday I gave her a green possibly quartz heart-shaped stone and the birthday candles (four to a pack, smelly) and a beautiful card that she poised on her shelf above her desk. I felt special. I like giving birthday gifts that are special. She said she liked everything...but did what everyone always does..."Oh, Heather, you shouldn't have done all of this!!" Oh yeah, and she had Creme Brulee cheesecake. Yummy...I inhaled mine.

What else? I left work 15-20 mins. early...I was falling asleep at my computer playing Yahoo Pyramids...duh, just go fucking home. Doy. So, then my two kids...minus the third who was having chez sleepover...and I rode around. First, we went to the health food store one minute after the lady should have locked the doors...too fucking bad. I needed my melatonin...and I got the REAL kind..the one that is THREE mg instead of one...what was I thinking before? Fucking duh. So, then we went to Just For Feet cuz they are closing down...speaking of that, so is the other Dollar Store, and Gateway store in town...thanks a helluva lot BUSH!! YOUR DREAM SWIPER!! BUSINESSES ARE FOLDING ALL OVER THE COUNTRY AND IT'S NO THANKS TO YOUUUUU THAT THEY CAN'T STAY OPEN. I hate the Bushes.

Then, we went to the fake video rental store. I call it fake cuz it's muy generic looking and it's not Blockbuster. But it's so much cheaper!! They are cheaper becuz they are not blue and yellow inside and out. That's the only difference from Blockbuster...their videos are just as "sold/rented out" and they still sell the cotton candy tubs. No difference. So, I got a membership. Was only allowed TWO videos. WTFever? I swore I would return them. He gave me that if to say: "you get NO special treatment little girl."

So, I got a Mary Kate and Ashley prizewinner called The Challenge. It's still fucking on. It's a long-ass movie. But, those girls are so damn pretty. They make me sick. But they were UGLY as babies and kids especially on that retarded Full House show that I am subjected to watch every evening if Nickelodeon is left on too long. They aren't that bad of actresses, hell they've been doing it since they were born. But the story lines are always lame. I rented it for Stephanie anyway. The other rental I got (cuz Cat in the Hat were out, and so were other ones I wanted) was Le Divorce...cuz it has Kate Hudson in it...and that's pretty much why. I mean, who can't love her, her being the offspring of Goldie Hawn and all? So, I plan on going back there tomorrow and getting as many damn videos as I want after I return these.

So, then we were eating at Skyline Chili...our whole three meals were cheaper than two Happy Meals at McDonalds. I'm eating there all the time. My best friend used to work there back in the day...we have a lot of memories of that place/area. There was the night where we purposely went there after she had quit JUST to see where the elderly lady had crashed into the glass panes next door of the Chinese buffet (it made the news, where were you?)...and there were the blackest of black streak marks on the sidewalk...where people were lucky to not have been...and I was so overwhelmed by the sight of how THICK and dark the black tire streaks were...which means she had to have STOPPED there...cuz that's what makes them...when you slam your brakes...the tires..yeah, whatever, anyway, you get it. So, I tend to forget my advanced college vocabulary when I am either shocked or on drugs...and we were not on drugs this particular evening. So, we were sightseeing the accident scene and all I could say in awe was: "WOW, that took A LOT of speed-gettin'-uppin'"...yeah, hedder, that would be ACCELERATION to the layperson. Yeah. Those were good times in a good place.

So, our waitress had choppy-bobbed black hair and serious blue eyeliner on...we loved her. Stephanie wants her hair black and cut like I asked the young girl when she was allowed to dye her hair and if she thought 8 years old would be too young for her particular look...she said her mom didn't let her until she was in 7th grade. Stephanie and I exchanged dismayed glares. She added that there's this "stuff, called Manic Panic..." how old did she think I was? Maybe she just thought I was unawares. So, we discussed Sally's and whatnot...and I think I'm going to do it for Steph, to Steph. Just get the temporary'll wash out...she'll start being goth young, that's all.

So, then we went to Sally's but it closes early. So, we went to the pet store and looked at the puppies and cats and everything else...they have a fox there and monkeys too...then we went home. And now we are in the present. Doydoydoy. God, my melatonin has SOOOOOOOO FUCKING KICKED IN. Know.

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