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2004-03-31 - 10:21 p.m.

I had a totally self-absorbed day today. I never called back to see if work would need me later. I went to the library and returned books totaling $54 in fines. I asked her what my previous fines were before that...and she said about $52. How ashamed I was. So, since I had that extra money from paying the rent, I slapped down fifty bucks to her. Plus, ten more for the other fines. I felt so much better. I was then way more free to check out a dozen or so books on stuff that I was interested in. I started reading Wally Lamb's She's Come Undone. It's very good. Right up my alley. I'm on page 68.

I did some cleaning. I cleaned one toilet and halfassedly scrubbed my shower. I did nothing to the girls' bathroom. I have a son too, but I call the other bathroom the girls' cuz my son comes into mine to use mine and not theirs. So, anyway, I got rid of all the riff-raff piles of laundry that were already cleaned and folded yet orphaned in piles out of their countless dressers and closets. I vacuumed a little bit here and there. I vacuumed and thoroughly cleaned out the crap from within the cushions of the big couch...the loveseat will come another day. I did some more laundry...

Then that's when I started reading. I talked to my mother on the phone too about legal stuff. Cuz I'm willing to give her legal advice without charging her...and without saying: "Ma'am, I'm not a lawyer, you'd have to call 1-800-blahblahblah..." Yeah, I know some of the answers. She read her whole fucking stipulation to me in her crackley fuzzy voice and I understood it all and pointed out the flaws. I explained to her WHY he originated it in the first place. She said she wasn't going to sign it, and I told her she had that rite, but she also had to call him and write him and tell him why...cuz there were errors.

Anyway...I took the kids grocery shopping...when I got them, I stayed a little self-absorbed...but it doesn't last long once they are around. They are such little thugs. And Stephanie with her fucking attitude. I swear, that kid. I'm going to write notes to her teacher about how she stares at the wall instead of doing her homework. She gets straight A's when she finishes her fucking work. I'm getting very pissed at her. I gave her all her handtyped invitations to take to school and specifically gave her orders to give them to the teacher's aide for her to distribute them into their homework folders. One for every student. She said she didn't want to invite the boys. I said, just give them to the teacher aide and do what I said. Cuz, to me, if everyone gets one, they might at least give her a present even if they don't come. That little brat had all the invitations in her backpack except for six tonight. I asked her which ones got ones. She rattled off a few names. I told her to hand them over and I would do it whether she likes it or not. Her argument is that boys will buy her boy toys. DUHHHH. I said, "you honestly think boys go out to buy birthday presents??? NO. THEIR DAMN MOMS DO." Doesn't she understand that it's like playing the lottery? Or at least, my version of playing the lottery. The more tickets you buy, the better your chances at winning. So, the more invitations you spread out into the classroom, the more presents you'll get. And she knows damn well that if she has a skating party, no one is going to hang out with her anyway, cuz they are all in second grade and everyone cliques off already at that age so they will just be like little eight year old ships passing in the night and a bunch of presents will be left on a table and then it will end and that will be that. DUHHHHHH. Yes, I know...choose my battles. Sighhh.

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