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2004-03-31 - 10:15 a.m.

I really like the emails I get from Hallmark with those little special reminders: "Easter is Sunday, April 11th." And then they flash those pictures of the $40 tulips that are so damn pretty. I just wish all the other companies that matter in my life could remind me of stuff that I need to do...for instance: Lysol could send me emails every now and again...they would say: "Heather, this Saturday will mark the fourth month since anyone outside of your family has visited your unclean, germy apartment. Don't forget to do your annual toilet cleaning, and maybe then you can finally have friends over. Please be patient and wait for the emails to come from your friends at Proctor & Gamble to remind you to use deoderant and shower more often, and Crest to remind you that bad breath is not romantick."

So, I'm home playing hooky. I plan on getting A LOT done today. Yeah. I read a man's diary the other day that said he stayed home from wherever he wasn't at work at, and he said that he spring cleaned like a mofo. I totally fucking need to spring clean like a mofo. I mean...FOR REAL. I also paid my rent on time this morning...which is like the fourth or so month in a row!! Maybe since I have such an obscene amount of cash on hand still, and I'm BOUND to get child support one of these days...maybe I should just unpack my boxes and stay here. Oooh, la, la. What a thought.

I sure know the universe has this funny thing with respecting your area. Like, I can pine all day for a new and better and cheaper apartment...but the truth of the matter is, is that I have to respect the space I'm in ALREADY. I have to clean this place and pay this rent. I really want to have the carpets cleaned. To do that, I must unpack the boxes which are packed becuz I thought I was moving before. I also think I'm going to order (yes, I know, I'm doing business with IKEA again if I do...) IKEA's big-fat-dick shelves for my living room. Cuz I already got rid of my other shelves that were over ten years old and missing a "foot" and who wants crappy furniture, anyway. So, I need to replace it anyway with something bigger and better. They cost $49 though. How much would the shipping cost for that??? $78? We'll see.

Yeah, thanks for helping me brainstorm, guys. I'm going to stay in my current apartment.

Today, I also plan on returning EVERYTHING...FOR REAL to the library. I realized I had a CD out still...and I had this horrible memory of a sign perhaps that said if I kept a CD overdue...then it was $1 a day late fees?????? Maybe that's the videos. I've had that bitch since July. I listened to that bitch in the Nissan. So sad. I wish I could have a nice car again. Ha. That's why I have money left over after paying the rent this time...cuz I don't have a car payment.

Speaking of car payements...I really should respect THAT area of my life too...and clean it out and repair the falling-off tailpipe and not grind gears, etc. Yes, I have an automatic...but when I pulled up to my son's school this morning...I was all in a hurry, and before I braked, I started putting it in PARK...DUHHHHHHHH. It made this terrible jerk movement and weird sound that I know is SO bad in the world of auto repair. It even gave Jimmy whiplash. He's all: "OOOWWW, MY NECK MOMMY!!" My son could sue me right now if he was so inclined.

Okay...back to the agendy...kmmm, agenda. I'm going to the library...paying some of my fines, getting Wally Lamb's She's Come, oh, and shooting for also Moon Unit Zappa's America the Beautiful. Paying some of my fines, oh, I said that. Um...I already paid my, cleaning. I'm opting for clean toilets today, a slightly less dusty environment (I have to talk this way cuz if I say the place is going to be spotless, I'll just go back to I have to talk in small steps to myself. Pathetic, I know.). Um...typing lessons...OOOH. And I really need to go and kidnap my daughter to get her bloodwork done. I also need to dig up my bills from last month and see about turning them in to the Medicaid people. I also need to read my dental plan packet...cuz I joined through my credit union. I have three cavities that need to be filled. Duh, I have to do something. Um...god...see, there I go again...I've said too much and have overwhelmed myself. Then again, I have my period naturally I am weak. I should work out today though, too. Okay...bye for now.

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