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2004-03-30 - 12:51 p.m.

We do apologize for any inconvenience, and we thank you for visiting

IKEA online. We look forward to hearing from you again.

Best Regards,


Well. The name Rona reminds me of the name Fartfull. I confirmed the ludicrous order, high shipping fees and all. Can't they just use the good ol' USPS? I mean, seriously. UPS is a total crock of high-priced shit. Me no get it. I just really want the baskets. But I hypothetically asked in how much is shipping for a $300 couch? $134. What the fever???????????????? Sorry, I'm not used to this expensive shipping world. But she so stealthily pointed out..."but there's no store in your area, so we waive the sales tax." Oh, well, la-ti-da. I saved a whole 6%. Sorry. But baskets for $13.something that have shipping fees of $13.something-else...I don't know if I am going to frequent Ikea. Oh well. I'm stuck up.

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