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2004-02-01 - 12:13 a.m.

I'm sick of those Planters commercials...where Mr. Peanut is dancing to bizarro world 50's music. I don't like those commercials. I don't think if there was a REAL person in real life who had a body shaped like a peanut, that I would be cheering him on at a party. I would be irritated by him and tell him he's not as hot as he thinks he is.

This week in children: ATTITUDES! Chloe does NOT HAVE a stinkin' ugly boyfriend. She's such a cussbox. Stephanie doesn't take me seriously when I tell her she's grounded if she doens't clean her room.

The whole house is so disgusting right now. It needs so much cleaning done to it. I need to do all the floors. I REALLY need to clean the carpets...but it's so much work. I need a vacuum that actually works. Oh, well.

Most of my stuff is packed. I'm afraid to unpack it again. I'm moving anyway. I just don't know when. Cuz it's going to be right across the hall. It will be a two bedroom. All the kids will have to share some sort of sleeping area. I don't know how to make it comfortable for them. I don't even know if attempting to make it comfortable will even help. Three kids in one room???? What a horrible childhood. Stephanie requested privacy screens between all of the beds. Funkai.

My plan is for the best. To save the money that I will save on having a smaller apartment, and also use the money to pay off bills to make my credit better. Maybe? Yeah...remind me of that in a year when I'm trying to move out again. See how much debt I have fixed.

I'm also trying to save up for a trip. I want to go to Australia. Gaspo! There, I've said it out loud. I've already saved $110. That's not too bad. I think. I won't really be able to go though for a good two or three years. If I don't go by 2008, I'll never trust myself again. I also want to pay off bills...maybe I should make goals for that as well.

I'm going to buy my passport too. Just for good measure. Then, I'll HAVE to go. Haha. Okay. I'm going to end this for now. I'll write more later. Bye for now.

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