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2004-01-06 - 9:03 p.m.

My cramps are really starting to fucking piss me off. They are angering cramps, for real. Nothing is fine with cramps like these. But, hey. THANK GOD I HAVE A PERIOD. The alternative is much worse. I don't need a fourth kid, m'kay.

All my pretty trinkets and bobbins are going into boxes. I have put in my notice at the rental office and will be leaving this month. IF everything goes okay with my future rental prospects.

I entered a writing contest. I sent in a short story. I could win $2000. Let's hope for the best. They enjoy emotionally engaging stories...THAT'S ME!

I returned stuff that was a year overdue to be returned. It was books and uniforms for the nursing program at the local college here that I decided against pursuing. Nursing...NO THANKS!!! They expected it a year ago, but I threw in some stuff, extra, to make them happy. Stuff I'LL never use...white pants, white shoes. NO THANKS! I entertained the thought of signing up for the university extension program...but I kept walking to the parking lot instead. If it was meant to be, the office would have dropped into my lap, so there.

I am in the mood to feng shui. Thin out the junk.

I am very close to getting my computer fixed. The computer guy at work was hitting on me and I asked him hypothetical questions about what's the best route to fix various problems and he said to give him the serial number and he'd download the missing links to my computer to fix everything and burn them to a CD-rom and give it to me and everything would be grand. I'm a slacker though. I haven't called him with all of the information. I'd rather him happen by my desk again and get the information, cuz I found my old receipts that gives a complete list of all the different parts. Oh well. It will happen some time this week. Then, my speakers and printer and everything else handy dandy will work on my computer. Hooray!

I've been trying to get assistance. So, I handed EVERYTHING in and they saw my bank account statements, and they want explanations for all the deposits. WHATTHEFUCK??? What, poor people aren't allowed to make any deposits whatsoever? Fuck them. They suck. I'll give them explanations but I won't be happy and I won't appreciate them. Cuz they suck.

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