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2003-12-29 - 6:56 a.m.

Well, my car was just now repossessed. Most of me wants to call Nissan and try to make things right with them so I can have it back. Another part of me thanks the lord for minimizing my bills. I really can't afford it. But I really don't know which way to turn. I JUST made a payment like on Christmas Eve, all of $595, but for some reason, it hasn't been taken out of my account I'm not sure what to do about it. Cuz now I'm mad and don't want them to have that money...cuz I need it to move out of my apartment into a smaller apartment. I'm kinda confused. I'm going to call them and ask them what is going on and stuff. The guy that came called me first and said I could have everything that was inside if I brought down a set of keys. I came downstairs after finding my keys and getting more dressed and found that he already had it on the tow truck...the kind that drags it by the front end. I think that's a pretty shitty way to repossess a 2002 Nissan. Where are the flatbeds? Don't they have any couth? He sort of helped me. But he was a pain in my ass. He ruined every Bonnie and Clyde moment of me fantasizing about just going downstairs and driving it away. Already being towed? I hate quick thinkers. I'M A QUICK THINKER AND NO ONE IS SUPPOSED TO THINK QUICKER THAN MOI!

So, my mom is bringing me her old car to use. I hate her car. It's a 91. I mean, it was cool when I was 15 and it was 1991 and it was NEW back then. She said she's just had a bunch of work done on it and it won't break down anymore. But I don't want it. Besides, she already promised some extra relative of my sister's husband that they could have it. Cuz my sister and brother-in-law just got my mom a "new" car. It's a 97 Honda I think. It looks nice and the air works. The air does NOT work in the old Honda. Therefore, I don't know if the heat works, either. And it's not snowing or anything here in Florida, but I don't like 65 degree weather...let alone that sort of weather (or colder) without HEAT ON in the car.

The worst part is I...well, there are many worst parts to this story...and here they are now. 1) my mom co-signed on the Nissan...when the payments fell slightly behind she reminded me DAILY that I better not let them repossess it... that I better catch up on the payments. Well, that is hard, when I am poor and my ex-boyfriend wasn't giving me enough money cuz he had to buy drugs...hence the EX. Now, I've let her down and myself down...but this isn't about mother-daughter's about needing my damn car. Although work is close to home...I have three kids that go to different schools and I have to pick them up on time, etc. I don't know. Maybe this is a blessing to me cuz I can't afford the car now anyway...even though...2) I JUST made that $595 payment to try to play catch-up...renewed my insurance also which is $267 to $244 a month whichever they decide to do that month...3) I JUST renewed my tags online last night for $36.10. 4) I don't know if my mom will let me just keep her old car, and not give it to my sister's husband's nephew who is like 17 and doesn't deserve it and will just pimp it out like a Puerto Rican...

I'm going to call Nissan and ask them what I can do...the guy who was towing it ludicrously...he said that I have ten days according to Nissan and that they might either work something out with me or demand the full $23,000 something that is still owed before they let my nappy hands on it again...or they might just demand that back payments' worth of payments that I'm behind...which are like over a thousand bucks in ten days. I don't know.

As he drove mind quickly listed all of the areas in the car that I removed stuff from...and I realized that in the middle console, there are TWO compartments and I only emptied one...there were some bills in there and some CD cases...that were EMPTY...but I still wanted them. I have to go now. My mom is on her way here. Nissan isn't open yet. Cripes.

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