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2003-12-20 - 2:51 p.m.

Today is my birthday. What'djoo get me? Haha. My kid just picked up the phone. I hope I don't lose my connection. My one daughter thinks she's not getting anything for Christmas. I still have to wrap everything though. I have a big tree up. We are going to be moving soon...maybe within a month or so. I started packing.

Remember in my last entry when I mentioned that time was going extremely slow and that I was depressed? Well, I jinxed myself. Time is going by extremely fast. Work is crazy. I'm taking over the packaging department that I have been training in. The girl who does it went on vacation. It's a crazy, tedious, time-consuming job. I do things so slowly.

I have all my Christmas stuff up, here at home. I wanted to put some up at work...but that's going to be a chore. I am seriously going to have to race through some work on Monday, cuz I have overtime already at the rate I'm going. And we're not allowed to have overtime. Of course, if we okay it with the boss...but the boss is gone for awhile. I think they come back Monday. It's not looking good. It just takes me a long time to do everything. If I have to take two hour lunches, I might not get the work done. Who am I kidding...THE WORK IS NEVER DONE OVER THERE. I don't know how the girl who took a vacation even gets to go to lunch or go to the bathroom. Sighhhhhhhh.

I need to get boxes to pack with. I need boxes like daily, hourly. I have so much crap. I'm trying to sort stuff so I can consign some stuff or go to the flea market.

I broke up with my boyfriend. Before Thanksgiving. I don't miss him. I don't want to go back to him now. I'm so comfortable just dealing with my hectic life, I don't need affection or passion with anyone. It would waste a lot of my time right now. I have way too much on my mind. FOR INSTANCE: Apartment hunting, money juggling, money begging, thinning out stuff I own, Christmas chores (decorating, wrapping presents, hiding presents), cooking, cleaning, working, trying to have hobbies, MY BIRTHDAY! ETC.

Tonight, I am going out for once. I am going to my friend's parents' Christmas party and then we are going to go hang out somewhere afterwards, and then I'll probably spend the night there, and then tomorrow we are getting psychic readings. HOORAY! What a pleasant birthday celebration. Sighhh. I miss my best friend, Shannon.

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