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2003-09-05 - 12:50 a.m.

If you are a good girl and you are taking antibiotics, then you have a respiratory sickness...if you are a bad girl and you are taking antibiotics, then you have an std.

It's slutty to carry antibiotics around in your purse or pocket. I don't care who you are. So, when I carry my antibiotic around in my pocket to remind myself to take it...I look like "STD Spice."

And I couldn't get the Z-pack. (Zithromax)zpack was $55. ...which is also for chlamydia.

I had to get Amoxicillin instead ($10.99) which is for bacteria vaginosis.

Both are std's.

So, now instead of the five day treatment, i'm on the 7 day treatment. cuz we are financially challenged.

Nissan hates us.

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