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2003-09-01 - 1:16 p.m.

25 library books overdue. Needless excess stress. Doy.

I've been sick all weekend. I figured it would happen like this. Especially when people at work have the nerve to ask me: "So, what have you got planned for this three day weekend? Huh?" Naturally, my body hears them and jinxes me with sickness. Proving once again that people should just keep their mouths shut.

I think I saw my ex husband riding a bike down his usual sidewalk to ride bikes down this weekend. That's nice. He looked like he was strung out on drugs. That or mental illness. Girls shouldn't breed with dumbasses. What was I thinking? Of course, I love the children we had together, but now those little girls are robbed of a normal father figure. Well, considering his bike ridingness, he has reverted directly back to his era of ten years ago. That's special. Some people just can't seem to upgrade their lives. Oh, and he lives with his mother again the last that I heard. If you ask me, MY next step is to buy a freaking house. I mean, duh.

You know what is a really good book? Oh, man, it's so funny. (I'm going to type an entry about it just on an excerpt from that book.) To be continued.

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