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2002-05-04 - 10:08 p.m.

You know the dumbest thing about your ex "hitting on" you is that your boyfriend at the present time is the one that has a problem with it. Yes, I don't appreciate it or think it is appropriate. It is disrespectful. But, it is disrespectful towards moi, not my boyfriend. What does he think, I'm some piece of property? Anyway, I got over the sex innuendo and the booty call at 2 a.m. which I declined, thank you very much, but when he (the ex) has the gall to tell me that he bought Ozzfest THAT is uncalled for. That is just absolutely disgusting. Silly fucker. Who does he think he is? That bastard telling me that he bought Ozzfest tickets for him and his girlfriend. Well, he can just go fuck himself. I deserve those Ozzfest tickets. I hope he doesn't use that as a reason for late child support payments, cuz I'll make that fucker pay. That's all I have to say.

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