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2002-05-03 - 5:01 p.m.

So very funny. Jimbo got out of jail on Halloween of 2001 and was on house arrest and decided to violate said house arrest three different ways and got served three different ways to appear in front of three different judges sometime soon. This time he was first arrested on his birthday. It's always something. But who really cares anymore at this point. I don't think anyone does.

So, since I haven't posted in awhile, I think I'll start now.

I got accepted to the nursing program at the local community college after completing all of the prerequisites for said nursing program, cuz I'm a little miss smarty pants.

So, now I enter the realm of doing something with my life. Hey, I think I should do something. M'bien. And I'll also try to post more often in here. But, then again, haven't we all heard that before...

I'm going to have to move into my sister's garage. They are going out of their way to fix it up for me and will appreciate it if I don't leave it white trashy so they can enter whenever they please to bug the shit out of me and do their laundry, and get their bikes out, and let the dog in so he knows what's going on in there and of course, their son who is two, so he can know what's going on in there, too. But, hey I should be grateful cuz they are good, loving, centered Christians. I wish I could win the lottery right about now.

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