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2003-01-01 - 10:39 a.m.

New Year. I don't believe in saying Happy or Merry before things like that cuz I prefer to remain depressed. So, I think something is fucked up with some things about the members page or something cuz my last entry was in May of 2002 and it's saying that I haven't update in over 12,000 days. I almost think it means hours. Realchild hasn't updated in like 28 days even though her last entry was also in May. What liars. They just wanna make me look bad.

Well, I've neglected this diary cuz I usually go to which is a much spiffier diary. I'm also hedderbox if you go there and you are interested.

Um...well, Jimbo got out of jail Nov. 24th after all that crap. He has no probation. Life is horrible. Um...there's a lot more to all of this but I already write about it all the time in melodramatic and so I don't really want to repeat myself. But, I will keep you somewhat updated. Melo is down right now which is probably mostly why I came back here. Must. Make. Entry.

I dropped out of the nursing program. It sucked ass. Realchild stopped being my friend for awhile but now we are friends again.

Um...yeah. I guess that's it for now. Unless I get an urge to add another entry.

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