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2001-01-02 - 04:42:33

I don't really have anything to say.

Except that I have a court date for my divorce and child support on January 8th, 2001. Do you realize how long I've been waiting for this FIRST, as in, INITIAL, yes, the very FIRST court date? Well, I filed for divorce back in August of 1998. Today is 2001. How embarrassing. And all the silly people in my life, think it's because I like being married to someone who is harrassing and manipulative, not to mention, irresponsible and unreliable...a real winner. They think I have had control all this time over a four hundred dollar lawyer who wound up defending my very own husband in a couple cases of his own (???!!!)...go figure, and who, after I complained to the Bar about his taking so fucking long, decided to pawn me off on some OTHER lawyer who had my case information all screwed up even after I had called the INITIAL lawyer to update various changes, etc., and by the way, he (lawyer numero uno) also had told the Bar that he didn't suck, knowingly, cuz he had told me that my case would have a delay because my stupid husband's case needed to get all panned out FIRST. No, your honor, you see, my husband's "case"...yes, the one where he fucked a minor who told on him, yes, that one, that has been "panned out" for eleven months. Yes, ELEVEN months. My new lawyer thought it was kinda funny that I have been filing for divorce for almost as long as the time said husband and I were actually together. (The whole silly abusive marriage began on Oct. 6, 1994.) Me thinks that's no funny-haha. Me thinks lawyers all suck assy-smassy...yah. (That is my Chinese accent.)

Well, my birthday was the best one I ever had, thanks to my beloved boyfriend, oh, sorry, OL' MAN, who handed me a 100 dollar bill and took me out to dinner and then, we had the best sex that I've ever had. My Christmas, however, was just down right silly. I got nothing that I told anyone that I wanted or needed. But, then, again, you know my family. My boyfriend didn't even pay attention to my list I had given him, he thought I was just joking with him and only read the first part, which really was a little far-fetched, but, the whole list was three things to pick and choose from, and it just freaking figures that no one pays any attention to what I say, and yes, I DO KNOW that this is the SECOND entry containing information like this. Yes. I'm still bitching about my materialism-lacking holiday season. How could they not be like my best friend? She gets me the BEST presents. She should be there for when I'm standing in a store and I can't decide what I want. She is the type of person I would like to have standing there, for me to turn to, and say, which one should I get...the green or the blue? This CD, or this book? She always picks the right thing. The thing that I look at and say, "Wow, if I had been left alone to my own devices, I would not have picked such a cool gift for myself." Sigh. She gave me the Fantasia 2000 video. That was neat. I also wouldn't have realized that I would want that. I'm not realisitc like that.

This morning, my boyfriend was off for New Year's Day, and we played Dermatology Office with each other. This is how romantic we are. First, I noticed a cyst on his back, that had been cut out years ago, and looked like a big green zit this morning, so, I offered to pop it for him and he was much obliged. I removed all the nasty ooze, and you know, they DO smell. I completed the surgical procedure by alcohol-wiping and applying an all-significant band-aid. Then, I sat in front of him, and felt obligated to share my grossness with him by showing him the weird bump/zit-things on my scalp and asked him to assess them and diagnose them. He noticed there were three, with one not having a head yet, and one of the ones with a head appearing to be an odd wart-like thing. My diagnosis was brain tumor, but, he said he doubted it, that they looked like strange insect bites, and proceeded to pop the two with heads and he laboriously pulled each head out of my hair strands to show me what they looked like. It was so romantic. Then, when my four and a half year old and three year old went into their room to gather toys to bring out, we turned off Sesame Street and flipped through the channels and made fun of the Channel 8 show that had some "healing evangelist" guy. We mimicked him to each other, with the improvisation ending in me calling my boyfriend a retard and him yelling Amen! while he went out on the porch to go smoke a cigarette. Then, by the time the girls came back into the room to play and watch their cartoons, they were horrified to discover that we had settled on The Learning Channel's Trauma-thon...Life in the ER...ALL DAY LONG, not because there was blood and gore, but, because we never changed it back to their cartoons. Boy, were they pissed when Mommy's doctor show would not stop playing and Mommy never turned back on cartoons, but, instead kept watching in awe, each surgery and bloody procedure, all the while reporting to Jimbo-Daddy each time he left to smoke on the porch what had happened to each and every patient that he wasn't there to see. We pissed them off, and good.

On a poorer note, all my school loans are due, cuz it's been longer than I expected it to be for me to get my ass back to school. And, I finally played the lottery and only got two numbers...Suze Orman, eat your heart out.

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